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Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globe Monologue Shredded Every Hollywood Sacred Cow and It Was Glorious

The 2020 Golden Globe Awards were held in Hollywood Sunday night and host Ricky Gervais did not disappoint. In his opening monologue the British comedian warned everyone in attendance that nothing was off the table and he had zero flips to give. This was Gervais’ fifth time hosting the awards and he claims it is his last.
You’ll be pleased to know this is the last time I’ll ever host the Golden Globes. I don’t care anymore… I’m joking. I never did.
There are a lot of people who have given up on awards shows and the never-ending stream of tired, self-righteous political rants aimed at the very people who buy their products.

If that’s you and you chose to ignore the show for yet another year, sit down, hold on to your hat and press play on this video of Gervais’ opening monologue. It is everything you ever fantasized about a host saying to a room full of spoiled celebrities. From the culture of vanity to pedophilia to Felicity Huffman and Hollywood’s coziness with Jeffrey Epstein – Gervais tore down every single sacred cow of Tinseltown and dared people not to laugh. He called out every glaring painful hypocrisy and it was glorious.
If ISIS started a streaming service you’d call your agent, wouldn’t you?
And watch to the very end. The last minute makes it all worth it. It will blow your pants off.

Gervais proved that they can’t cancel you if you don’t acknowledge you’re cancelled in the first place.