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Margaret Brennan Hosts a Cocktail Conversation With General Petraeus – Clueless Duo Can’t See What’s Coming

credit: sundance at CTH

Good grief there’s a lot to unpack within this insufferable beltway cocktail party disguised as a high-brow TV review of the U.S-Iraq-Iran conflict. (Video Below)  However, both of them are clueless about what President Trump is about to do.

First, the generous opinion of General Petraeus as a military strategist is massively inflated. As the recently released Afghanistan Papers have revealed the entire premise of the Petraeus’ strategy was based on lies; fundamental falsehoods; and an upper-tier military devoid of anyone willing to say the emperor was naked. It was all BS.

Secondly, and in support for the first point, any General who would commit himself to a career blackmail position by engaging in grossly inappropriate sexual conduct with a pontificating pustule like Paula Broadwell isn’t exactly a smart fella; and that’s without even considering the Kelly sisters leading him by the penis when Petraeus was CentCom Commander.

Internationally espousing a break-through in a mid-east anti-terror strategy while simultaneously positioning himself to be hoodwinked and blackmailed by the political powers in DC does not lend itself to strategically intelligentbona fides.

The outcome of that Broadwell hot-mess was leverage deployed against General Petraeus when he was CIA director and the crisis around the State Department and CIA joint operational station in Benghazi, Libya, erupted. In the aftermath the Panetta/Clinton operation needed an ally, enter interim political ideologue Michael Morell to replace Petraeus after ODNI James Clapper told the General to exit, or else.

Also, don’t overlook that General Petraeus’ wife, Holly Petraeus, went to work for Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; which we all know was a deep state Democrat racketeering operation to gain money from the extortion of banks.  What’s that they say about “birds” and “feathers”? … I digress.

Thirdly, cocktail party host Margaret Brennan is trying way too hard to give the intellectual appearances. This is the kind of third-rate interview to be expected during a DC symposium held just prior to the charity auction where the elitist audience bids thousands for a banana duct-taped to the wall.

The audience oooh’s and aaaahs, meanwhile the kitchen staff -who switched labels on the wine bottles- are laughing hysterically at the participants…. Good grief this is silly.
Notice a sequence Petraeus alluded to:…
  • Iran took out a U.S. drone, and President Trump held-back.
  • Iran attacked ships in the Straights of Hormuz, yet President Trump held back.
  • Iran attacked Saudi oil-fields, and again President Trump held back.
  • However, Iran attacked a U.S. base killing an American, wounding three more, and President Trump then vaporized Iranian terrorist Soleimani.
Yet for some reason both General Petraeus and Margaret Brennan cannot seem to identify the difference in the final attack that drew a response not evident in the prior three?

Tell me again about this “brilliant military strategist” who sits in puzzled amazement pontificating about “strategy” yet cannot identify the difference between smashing machines, robots and equipment and killing an actual living, breathing, American citizen.

Just before you pause to consider what is in this video, remind yourself how the Ukraine government offered Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman the job to become their Minister of Defense.

TRUMP: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me. I would bomb the shit out of them. (Applause) I would just bomb those suckers. And, that’s right, I’d blow up the pipe, I’d blow up the re — I’d blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left. And do you know what? You will get Exxon to come in there in two months. They will rebuild that sucker brand new, it will be beautiful … and then I would take the oil.”…

If Iran retaliates against us, look for that quote to be behind the response.  When President Trump says “important to Iran and the Iranian culture” he is talking about it from an economic perspective.

Our President will destroy Iran’s capacity to sell oil…. that’s the strategy…. It’s always about the economics. That’s what the knucklehead Generals and TV pontificating pundits don’t understand.