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Deifying Qassem Soleimani and Cheering on Iran

I’ve been battling an awful cold all week which is why you haven’t heard much from me.  Sorry about that.  And though I haven’t been writing much, I have been paying attention to the news.  Which, frankly, has only made me feel significantly sicker.  The anti-American left is actually deifying Qassem Soleimani and cheering on Iran.

What is wrong with these people?

Under the guise of being “anti-war,” these dregs of society are mourning a man who slaughtered thousands.

Qassem Soleimani wasn’t some peace-loving cleric.  He orchestrated and funded terror proxies in the Middle East, Africa, not to mention Central and South America.

And yet these fools are treating him like he was friggin’ Gandhi.

For Pete’s sake, look at this:

As one guy put it on Twitter, “If you’re memorializing Soleimani, you’re not really anti-war, are you?”

When Elizabeth Warren had the temerity to call Qassem Soleimani a “murderer,” Leftists were furious.

And now, out of fear of upsetting her base, Liz is changing her tune:

I haven’t seen Leftists run this kind of defense for someone since Greta Thunberg – you know, the other person they’ve been deifying.

But at least Greta hasn’t butchered thousands of people in the Middle East.

These fools are weeping for a monster.

And you can bet your by golly wow they never once wept for the Americans he maimed and killed.

But as anti-American Leftists mourn, those who have borne the brunt of Soleimani’s wickedness are celebrating.

Twitter has been an absolute cesspool for the last two days.  I mean more so than usual.
These idiots who are mourning Qassem Soleimani are also cheering on the Iranian regime’s every threatening tweet.

Case in point:

Deifying Qasem Soleimani and Cheering on Iran
Yay!  Do it, Iran! Rock Bad Orange Man’s world!!!

This is an American citizen cheering on Iran hoping they attack the United States just to spite the President.

Naturally, she has #Resist in her Twitter bio.

When your hatred for Trump has you deifying a monster like Qassem Soleimani and cheering the prospect of Americans being killed in retaliatory strikes, you aren’t anti-war.  You’re anti-American.

Honey, it’s been trendy on the Left for more than a generation.

I lived through the Reagan era.  I remember how the American Left sided with the Soviet Union while caterwauling that President Reagan was a war criminal.

I remember Democrat politicians cozying up to the Kremlin in order to undermine Reagan’s foreign policy of “peace through strength.”

As I said the other day, there is nothing new under the sun.

The Left can’t help itself. Their anti-American stance is reflexive — like an involuntary burp.

Only this time instead of siding with the USSR, they’re sucking up to Iran — a tyrannical, theocratic terror state that slaughters its own people. And they’re happily regurgitating and promoting Iranian propaganda.

This goes beyond Trump Derangement.

When you go to such extremes as mourning and deifying a monster like Qassem Soleimani while cheering on Iran, you’re not simply anti-Trump.

You’re a horrible, hateful human being.