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How Do We Educate The Stupid?

Let's look at some data from the United States Government - Census Bureau from year 2018. This data is on education attainment.

All Americans:
None to Some College 58%
Associate Degree Occupational 4%
Associate Academic 6%
Batchelor 21%
Master 9%
Professional 1%
Doctoral 2%
White Only:
None to Some College 58%
Associate Degree Occupational 4%
Associate Academic 6%
Batchelor 21%
Master 8%
Professional 1%
Doctoral 2%

Black Only:
None to Some College 68%
Associate Degree Occupational 4%
Associate Academic 6%
Batchelor 15%
Master 6%
Professional 1%
Doctoral 1%

Hispanic Only:
None to Some College 76%
Associate Degree Occupational 3%
Associate Academic 5%
Batchelor 11%
Master 3%
Professional 1%
Doctoral 1%

Notice that essential 68% of the American people age 18 to 75 have no formal education to an Associate Degree. 58% of those same people have no to some college education.

Now think about this, about 200 million Americans are in the age 18 to 75 category, so some 116 million people fall into that 58% category.

Now let's look at a 40 year old guy who worked in a factory for 20 years, he is married, has a wife who works and 3 kids aged 20 to 15. He has been responsible and so he has a mortgage, car loans, credit card debt and school loans

Our politicians decided America needs to move all manufacturing out of our country to countries which use slave labor, see in this way corporate profits will increase. They sold this bullshit as NAFTA.

Why? Because Corporate America donated billions to these politicians so they could stay in power and feather their own nests.

Today 30 years later we have a shrinking Middle Class because of this.

Liberals will tell you these people (essentially deplorables) need to understand, factories, manufacturing and menial jobs are going away because of automation and education.

How elitist is this thinking?

Well 90% of Liberals are educated, they hold degrees in Political Science, Gender Studies, International Studies and vearious other useless Liberal Arts degrees which allow them to work in Federal and State Governments, Academia, Advocacy and Non Profits. All of these positions essentially feed at the taxpayer trough and require no performance or productivity.

Now some 30 years later after NAFTA we have elites demanding Open Borders and more unskilled, uneducated people be allowed into the country because America needs that cheap labor and after all its only fair, right?

Why should a country be allowed to use slave labor in their country so we can lay off factory workers and get cheap stuff? What kind of a moron thinks our trade negotiations should be set up like this? Only Liberals who benefit.

So, where am I going with this?

We the silent majority must wake up. We must take back our country from these fucking elitists whoserve no actual use but that of a giant paraistic tick sucking the life breath out of our great nation.

Perhaps a real inssurection is necessary, maybe a Civil War is called for.