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Democrat Helping Set Rules For Trump Impeachment Vote Was Impeached for Bribery

Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

House Democrats were debating the rules for the impeachment vote on Tuesday.
How hypocritical they are was clear from who they had helping them out as vice chair of the rules committee.

Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) was a federal judge until he was impeached for bribery and perjury, then convicted on eight of 11 articles in the Senate in 1989 and removed.

Who is the Vice Chair of the House Rules Committee?

Democrat Rep. Alcee Hastings.

Fact about Hastings: As a federal judge, he was impeached for conspiracy, bribery, perjury, falsifying documents, & thwarting a criminal investigation.

"Hastings and William Borders, then a Washington, D.C. attorney, engaged in a corrupt conspiracy to obtain $150,000 from defendants in United States v. Romano, a case tried before Judge Hastings, in return for the imposition of sentences which would not require incarceration..."

Oops, actual bribery. Someone want to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi so she knows what real bribery looks like?

But there Hastings was helping to set the rules. At least he could certainly say he had experience!
The Treasury Department also paid $220,000 in an undisclosed agreement in December 2017 to settle a lawsuit alleging sexual harassment against Hastings, according to Roll Call.
Hastings also appears to be presently under investigation. It was announced in November that the House Ethics Committee announced was investigating him in relation to whether his relationship with a staffer, Patricia Williams, violated rules forbidding members from having sexual relationships with subordinates in the House.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, the guy setting the rules on Trump's impeachment right now, is same person who was impeached in 1989 on bribery and perjury charges.

How are Democrats so bad at this?

NO JOKE: Rep. Raskin just jumped in and thanked Hastings:

"I’m moved for your statements and also by your work for democracy and for freedom and anti-corruption..."

Not only weren’t Democrats shamed by Hastings background, Rep. Jamie Raskin actually praised Hastings for his “work for democracy and freedom and anti-corruption.”

NO JOKE: Rep. Raskin just jumped in and thanked Hastings:

"I’m moved for your statements and also by your work for democracy and for freedom and anti-corruption..."

Interesting to hear Alcee Hastings go on about his work combating corruption in Europe. @JudicialWatch uncovered that he directly engaged in corruption -- and taxpayers had to foot the bill.

And they have the nerve to presume to sit in judgement on President Donald Trump?

Talk about a circus.


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