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Band of impotent losers unite to take out Trump

Desperately seeking relevance, the usual suspects of Well-I-Never-Trumpers have banded together to demand Trump be defeated.

A band of impotent losers made up of former Republicans and current Well-I-Never-Trumpers published an op-ed in the New York Times titled “We are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated.”

[No, I’m not linking to it.]

Naturally it is getting much praise and huzzahs from people who despise Donald Trump and never planned on voting for him.

This band of impotent losers include the gelatinous oaf George Conway as well as establishment political consultants can’t get consulting work since Trump was elected: Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, and former Kasich guy John Weaver.

And the folks most excited about this band of impotent losers calling for the defeat of President Trump are Democrats and their media handmaids.

Everybody else is responding with a perplexed “Who?”

Normal people outside of the media bubble don’t give a hoot what this band of impotent losers has to say.

But their New York Times op-ed is not directed at voters; it’s directed at the media bubble.

Sure, Bill Kristol and the Bulwark gang will quiver like a spastic colon and gleefully promote this op-ed.

Same goes for every Democrat inside the beltway and within the media.

But the rest of us?  Yeah. No sale.

I said way back in August 2016 that this band of impotent losers who make up the Never Trump “Republicans” are like the Japanese soldiers stranded on remote islands for decades who have no idea Japan was defeated and the war long over.

Well, the war is long over.

The consultant class lost.

Yet here they are still, stumbling through the jungles of their remote island certain that the counter-offensive will happen any day now and they will be welcomed back as conquering heroes.

No.  It ain’t gonna happen.

The only people cheering for these island-dwelling impotent losers are, well, the enemy.

Sure, Ana Navarro the so-called “Republican consultant” from CNN might giggle with girlish delight over these eunuchs.

But real living, breathing Republican voters who can see that the Donald Trump Presidency has done more to advance Republican ideals than anyone since Reagan?  Well, we’re giggling too.  But not in the way this impotent band of losers would hope.

Their brand of “Republicanism” is rooted surrender.

Why else would they hope Trump loses to a Democrat?

The problem these guys have always had is they don’t know their enemy.

They don’t understand that the Left is playing for all the marbles.

They are unaware that Leftism seeks to completely destroy our Republic.

So they suck-up to the enemy thinking, as Churchill put it, the crocodile will eat them last.

It’s not “Republican principles” that are driving these impotent losers from the SS NeverTrump.

It’s anger.  Anger and resentment.

They used to have the ear of the party.  They were important, respected. More importantly, candidates running for office were begging for their help.

Trump changed that. He rendered them irrelevant.

And now nobody cares about these guys.

We care more about winning than hitching our wagon to a bunch of gentlemen losers.

They’re angry because we didn’t care what they had to say in 2016. We ignored them and voted for Trump.

And back then, Trump didn’t even have a proven track record of delivering on his promises.

Now he does.

In other words, voters have even less reason to give this band of impotent losers a moment’s thought.

But hey. At least this op-ed will give them plenty of face time on CNN and MSNBC.

And, really? That’s exactly why they wrote it.