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The Beto Sizzle sputtered out like a wet fart

Despite a valiant attempt from his fluffers in the media, Robert Francis O’Rourke bid farewell to his flailing presidential campaign.

Remember how elated the unbiased Guardians of the TruthTM were when Beto O’Rourke jumped into the 2020 race?  It was Betomania!  Girl reporters (and Chris Matthews) swooned over that Beto Sizzle.

He’s so dreamy!

He’s our own RFK!  I mean, he even has the same first and middle name!!!

But it turns out that Beto Sizzle was nothing but a sputtering wet fart.

Despite the immediate surge in campaign donations and polling numbers, Beto began his downward slide almost immediately.

No amount of media swooning could make up for the fact that Robert Francis O’Rourke was a goofy, arm-flailing doofus who cussed like a high school nerd trying to get noticed by the cool kids.

Yesterday evening, shortly before a campaign event in Iowa, Beto dropped out of the race.

The lesson here is no amount of media-driven Beto Sizzle can sell voters on a guy who wants to confiscate guns, turn law-abiding citizens into felons, attacks religious institutions, and accuses the country of being steeped in racism.

I just cannot understand why Democrats still believe the best way to win voters is to attack and insult them relentlessly.

Did they learn nothing from Hillary’s “basket of Deplorables” comment?

Clearly not.

Now, that isn’t to say the Betomaniacs weren’t crestfallen and inconsolable over the Beto Sizzle sputtering out like a wet fart.

They were.

In fact:

Yeah, I’m sure they were vulnerable.

That Beto Sizzle only worked on low-testosterone males and easily impressionable girls – neither of whom are known for their stiff-upper-lippiness.

I could understand the disappointment if Beto was polling above four percent in Iowa.  But the last Siena Research/NYT poll had the former furry at one percent in the Hawkeye State.

Worse still, the latest RCP National Average had Beto sitting not-so-pretty at two percent.

You’d think his adoring fans would’ve seen the writing on the wall.

Then again, maybe the part of their brain that gauges a candidate’s chances got fried from all that Beto Sizzle.

Or pot smoking.

It’s one or the other.

But given the lengths Beto went to make himself as extreme as possible, I don’t see how he can ever regain that Beto Sizzle and try another run for office in his home state.

I think it’s fair to say Beto’s far Leftward push during this failed presidential campaign makes it impossible for him to run against Senator John Cornyn in Texas.

Texans aren’t big on politicians who will “Hell, yes” confiscate their guns, not to mention attacks them as racist and promises to target religious institutions who do not bow down to the Gay Mafia.

So what’s a fella to do?

Beto’s only hope for a political future is to pack up his family and move to a deep, blue state like New York, California, or Massachusetts.  I’m sure those dummies would happily rekindle that Beto Sizzle.

But in Texas? Yeah, he’s toast.

I wonder which 2020 Democrat candidate will be next to drop out.

Given the fact that she’s firing staffers like Mitt Romney after a hostile takeover, I’m thinking Kamala might be the next “big name” candidate to follow Beto for the exit.

Bleeding staff three months before the first caucus is never a good sign.

Then again, given Kamala’s arrogance and lack of self-awareness, she too might not see the writing on the wall.