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Don’t call Brian Stelter a Pansy!!

Someone called Brian Stelter a pansy, and Twitter’s army of crybabies, Nosy Parkers and tattletales got the “offender” permanently suspended.

Yesterday on Twitter, someone had the gall to call CNN’s tubby “media reporter” Brian Stelter a pansy. And apparently that’s Hate Speech in the easily offended world of Twitter.

Really? A permanent suspension from Twitter?

For calling Brian Stelter a pansy?

I’ve been called a Nazi, a racist fuck, a cunt – and that’s just a few of the more charming things hurled at me in my six years on Twitter.

But heaven forbid anyone call Brian Stelter a pansy!

What makes pansy so bad?

Is it because the tattletale(s) think “pansy” is a gay slur?

Again, I’ve seen worse.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen ResistanceLOL cranks on Twitter accuse men who support the President of “sucking Trump’s dick” or “licking Trump’s ass.”

Apparently that’s a-okay.  But heaven forbid you call Brian Stelter a pansy.

I’m guessing that isn’t the first time in his life Brian has been teased with a junior high insult like that.

But Leftists on Twitter are super sensitive.

Sure, they can dish it out – hurling the vilest invectives imaginable.

But the instant they see even the mildest name-calling headed their way, they collapse like a wounded gazelle and cry to Twitter Support.

I’ve said before, Twitter is inhabited by an army of busybodies, Nosy Parkers and tattletales.

One imagines in childhood, they were the students who ran to teacher to tell on the kids in the back row for exchanging notes.

I can’t imagine going through life so fragile.

Just how silly and pathetic must you be if you tattle to Twitter Support because someone calls Brian Stelter a pansy?

Unless the reporting individual was Brian Stelter (or his mother), how does him being called a pansy hurt you in any way?

Now, in the grand scheme of things, being a childish little tattletale on Twitter isn’t that big a deal, I know.

But I do think it is indicative of a larger societal problem.

We are creating a generation of easily offended. Even worse, weakness and fragility are being indulged and even rewarded.

What are these thin-skinned people like in real life?

Because something tells me that this childish behavior isn’t limited to Twitter.

Last month on Twitter, Jesse Kelly shared an experience with a pizza place that was really telling.  Since Jesse’s tweets auto-delete after a while, I’m going to transcribe his story here for posterity:

Allow me to tell you a little story about ‪@MarcosPizza, parenting, and America in 2019….

Around 6 I called to order some pizzas for me and my sons (the wife already had some lettuce or something). Guy tells me it will be an hour. I say no big deal. Everything cool. Watching the game anyway.

7:30 rolls around and I start to get a bit hungry and a bit worried. I decide to make THAT phone call. You know, the call to check on your pizza that might result in your pizza getting spit in.

So I call. No answer. Strange. I just figure they’re busy. I wait another 15. I call again. No answer.

Now, I’m getting angry.

The wife can see I’m about to blow and she decides she’s gonna drive down there and see what’s up. I tell her forget it, but she’s insisting. Bad drivers and illogical as they are, a woman’s intuition is rarely wrong. So she does…

She walks in Marcos and there’s nobody in there. No one. So she walks out back and finds three employees smoking cigarettes. The phones are all ringing.

She asks what they’re doing. On my life the guy says, “Yeah, we’re closed. It was just too stressful and some people quit.”

Phones are still ringing btw.

You read that right. A FREAKING PIZZA EMPLOYEE thought making and delivering pizzas was “too stressful”. Some quit, others just decided to go out back and smoke. No phone calls. No nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t about ‪@MarcosPizza and the lazy, worthless, weak morons they hire. This is about YOU. If you’re a parent and you think your kid would consider calling you to tell you they quit making pizzas cause it was “too stressful”, you’re a failure.

Raise your kids to exist in a tough world. That’s your job. Not to make sure little Timmy never bumps his head in the tub.

Raise tough kids. America’s future depends on it.

That’s all

What kind of society have we become where pizza delivery is “too stressful” and seeing Brian Stelter getting called a pansy prompts you to tattle to Twitter?

Jesse is right.  We are raising whole generations who are ill-equipped to handle the ups and downs of normal life.

And these people don’t just inhabit Twitter. They are reporters and writers at US publications and cable news outlets. They work for major corporations. And if thin-skinned AOC is any indication, they even occupy seats in the House of Representatives.

If you can’t handle even the mildest insults – even those not directed at you specifically – just how on earth do you manage to get through a day without crumbling into a heap?

No wonder AR-15s scare the living daylights out of these people.

We’re becoming a society of soft, easily-offended crybabies and pansies.