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“Further Build”…

Adam Schiff had a little Freudian slip on Twitter yesterday as he outlined how his impeachment team views President Trump defending himself against  baseless accusations.  “Efforts to intimidate or threaten witnesses will further build the case for obstruction, itself an impeachable offense.”

No-one is “threatening” or “intimidating” a witness, President Trump is asking questions about the credibility of the no-longer-anonymous whistle-blower.  However, no whistle-blower has the right to be anonymous.  Even the statute that protects whistleblowers only applies to retaliation.  It is ridiculous to think whistleblowers can remain anonymous.
That said, within the tweeted messaging from Adam Schiff there is the indicator of exactly what all of this investigative nonsense is designed to create: a case for obstruction.

Just like the false accusations within the Trump-Russia collusion/conspiracy narrative, the end goal of the Mueller team was actually “obstruction.”  Indeed, after quickly discovering there was nothing to the ‘collusion/conspiracy’, the Weissmann/Mueller team spent the majority of their time and effort trying to construct an obstruction of justice charge.

Now we see the same process developing within Schiff’s phony Ukraine quid-pro-quo investigation.  There’s no validity to the originating premise, so the investigative effort shifts toward building an “obstruction” impeachment charge.

In both examples any action taken by President Trump to defend himself against false charges is re-framed as evidence of obstruction.

This impeachment approach highlights why Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and contracted Lawfare members Barry Berke and Norm Eisen are working diligently through the courts to gain access to the Mueller grand jury testimony.  {Go Deep}

The special counsel grand jury proceedings were 100% about questioning witnesses to frame an obstruction of justice case against President Trump.   Weissmann and Mueller spent most of their time shaping grand jury witnesses toward that objective.

There is ZERO DOUBT Nadler, Berke and Eisen have been fully debriefed by Andrew Weissmann and the special counsel team about what exactly was presented in that grand jury.  The impeachment by obstruction plan is why the HJC is going after the 6e material so hard.

Almost anything an innocent person does to defend themselves against false accusations can be made to look like obstruction.  Especially if the highest executive in the country is the one who stands falsely accused.  This approach has Lawfare written all over it.

Barry Berke (left), Norm Eisen (right), Jerry Nadler (far right, hiding)

After the 2018 mid-terms, and in preparation for the “impeachment” strategy, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler hired Lawfare group members to become House committee staff…. Chairman Schiff hired former SDNY U.S. Attorney Daniel Goldman (link), and Chairman Nadler hired  Obama Administration lawyer Norm Eisen and criminal defense attorney Barry Berke (link).  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi then hired Douglas Letter as House General Counsel – all are within the scummy Lawfare network.