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Peter Navarro Discusses Speaker Pelosi Intentionally Holding Back Ratification of USMCA –

White House manufacturing policy advisor Peter Navarro discusses the lack of action from Speaker Pelosi on ratification of the USMCA.

As CTH has outlined since the July 2019 alliance meeting between Pelosi and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the strongest likelihood is the House will table the ratification vote until after the 2020 election. It is a strategic political decision. 

Here’s what is going on.
Nancy Pelosi and her far-left ideologues entered an agreement with their Canadian liberal allies and Justin Trudeau to stall the USMCA passage.

Trudeau’s government ideologues agreed not to call the USMCA up for a vote in the Canadian parliament.

Speaker Pelosi was waiting to see if Trudeau could would win re-election.  With Canada re-electing Trudeau last night it paves the way for Pelosi to announce the labor provisions are not strong enough within the USMCA deal; discussions with the Trump administration are not resolving the issues; the U.S. workers are not protected enough, and she is tabling any vote.

Speaker Pelosi will then wait until after the 2020 election.  The purpose is political.
Ratification of the USMCA would be a boost for the U.S, and North American, economy.  More growth in the economy is politically adverse to her interests.  Part of the 2020 Democrat strategy is to stall the U.S. economy, stoke a recession narrative, and hopefully weaken President Trump’s re-election bid.  That’s the plan.

For Canada’s part of the scheme, Justin Trudeau will announce that Canada is waiting for the U.S to work out the USMCA labor disagreements.  This is the quid-pro-quo between leftists in the democrat party and leftists in Canada.

Something might change in this dynamic, but it will take an ‘as-yet’ unknown action by President Trump to change the direction…