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You misinterpreted my blacklist as a blacklist

The most fascinating part of watching Hollywood Leftists back-peddle is marveling over how stupid they think we are.  Over the weekend, “Will & Grace” stars Eric McCormack and Debra Messing called for the public release of any Hollywood colleagues who would dare attend a Trump fundraiser.  McCormack was not subtle in his desire to out them in order to blacklist them.

After the Hollywood Reporter broke the news that President Trump would be appearing at a Beverly Hills fundraiser, McCormack quote tweeted this reply:

“Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx.”

The message couldn’t be clearer.  McCormack wants to know who supports Trump so that he and his likeminded Hollywood drones (AKA “the rest of us”) don’t have to work with them.

But how dare you misinterpret this as a blacklist!

Now, here’s the hilarious part.

McCormack released a statement “clarifying” that when he was calling for a blacklist, he didn’t mean, you know, a blacklist.

“I want to be clear about my social media post from last week, which has been misinterpreted in a very upsetting way. I absolutely do not support blacklists or discrimination of any kind, as anyone who knows me would attest. I’d simply like to understand where Trump’s major donations are coming from, which is a matter of public record. I am holding myself responsible for making educated and informed decisions that I can morally and ethically stand by and to do that, transparency is essential.”

Yeah. “Misinterpreted.” See what I mean? They really do assume we’re stupid.

Is it just me or does that word salad give off the faintest whiff of a seasoned PR flunky?

Let me sum up this for you.

Eric doesn’t support blacklists.  But he wants to know who these Trump supporters are so he can make informed decisions – no doubt on deciding who not to work with. But it’s not a blacklist of people he doesn’t want to work with.  It’s just making sure he doesn’t ever work with these people. And that isn’t discrimination to not want to work with those dirty

Trump supporters. It’s just transparency!

Or something.

Let me put it even more succinctly: Eric thinks working with Trump supporters is immoral.

So don’t you stinking, rotten Trump supporting rubes in flyover country accuse Eric of wanting to blacklist Trump supporters.  Sure, he said he wants to know their names so “the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with.”

But that doesn’t mean he wants to blacklist them in the “blacklisting” sense of the word. He just wants to be informed so that he doesn’t personally ever have to, God forbid, be around these people he deems immoral.

Oddly enough, Eric thinks this makes him look better.

And so too does Debra Messing who happily burped out
“I couldn’t have said it better. @EricMcCormack.” 

Yeah. I’m sure you couldn’t have said it better, Debra.
But that’s nothing to crow about, really.

When Messing tweeted out a link that would allow people to look up Trump donors in their area, she wasn’t doing it “for transparency or morality.”

You’d have to be a complete idiot to believe that.

These two want to marginalize and shun fellow citizens who support a different political candidate than they do.  Worse, if you read the replies to Debra’s “Find Trump Donors in your area” tweet, like-minded Trump haters were vowing to drive people out of business if their names were on the list.

In other words, Debra’s like-minded fans definitely interpreted it as a blacklist.

These two knew exactly what they were doing.

What they didn’t expect was the holy hell they unleashed on themselves.

But they can’t un-ring that bell.

No matter how many word-salad statements about 
“transparency” and “morality” they burp out.