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Liberalism is A Cancer

We had a shooting in Odessa Texas, 7 died, 21 injured, the Media and Liberals screamed and wrung their hands about The NRA and Gun Control. Over the Labor Day weekend, Chicago had 7 killed 36 injured, Detroit had 6 killed, Cincinnati had 11 killed, Baltimore had 9 killed and Washington DC had 8 killed.

Why were the 7 dead in Odessa more deserving of the Media's attention over the 42 killed in other cities?

Why was little said about the 10 injured at an Alabama High School games by a gun?

Simple, because the shooter in Odessa was White and he used an AR. Liberals don't care about those 42 dead Blacks in those other 5 cities. Because they were shot by Black shooters.

I saw how the Obama presidency, ushered in a new era of irresponsibility, arrogance, "swag" and this dangerous narrative of "getting mine."

I was raised in a poor Black community, so impoverished that when my family had more children than money, we were taught to live without or just the essentials needed to provide for our family.

I never joined a gang. I owned a gun, for hunting, game provided food for the family table.

I never bought into the code of the streets. I had role models and people to look up to. I couldn't imagine being in my early teens in the Obama Era, seeing an arrogant, dishonest, incompetent, thin skinned con artist like Barack Obama as POTUS.

What kind of message did he send?

Black poverty, violence and blight are a cottage industry for our "Congressional Black Caucus" and "Black Leaders."

They are the real problem. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Black Bo Jangles who dance for a Rich White Liberal Oligarchy who will teach them how to provide lip service to young Black males dreaming of the life style these race pimps lead.

None of these race pimps live in the communities creating the change needed to change the situations.

Oh, they show up for the photo ops or crocodile tears at a funeral. They wax eloquently about racism and hate. How the gun industry take advantage of the sorry. But, do they ever discuss how the policies they support have destroyed the Black family structure? Nope.

Fatherless young men hustling.
Fatherless young men having babies and deserting them when responsibility rears its ugly head.
Fatherless young men taught education is "acting white"
Rap Culture teaching gang violence.
Rap Culture teaching young men women are "Hoes and for sex."
Victim culture which teaches young Black men that every failure they have is the fault of "White Privilege or Racism"

These kids are smarter than we give them credit for. When they see adults cutting corners, slacking and hustling, what do you think they're going to do?

In the 50's Black Society had a growing Middle Class, Black Schools with kids getting an education, Black Colleges with kids attending. Families stayed together and attended church as a family.

What happened?

Liberal Indoctrination:

Poverty rates for Black families vary based on the family type.

23% of all Black families live below the poverty level only 8% of Black married couple families live in poverty which is considerably lower than the 37% of Black families headed by single women who live below the poverty line.

The highest poverty rates (46%) are for Black families with children which are headed by single Black women. This is significant considering more than half (55%) of all Black families with children are headed by single women.

Until Blacks wake up and realize what Liberals have done to them, we as a member of society will keep killing each other, we will keep creating young predators who never met their fathers and we will be the burden on society we are.