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“You cannot have free trade with a dictatorship that is harvesting the prosperity of an American Democracy”

Cambria CEO Marty Davis: 

“You cannot have free trade with a dictatorship that is harvesting the prosperity of an American Democracy”

This is another one of the rare interviews where an American CEO calls out the specifics of how Wall Street greed created the China problem that pummeled Main Street.

Cambria CEO Marty Davis discusses the root of the trade issues with China and President Trump’s efforts to address the problem.  He accurately calls attention to the origin of the issue; and then brilliantly explains the current consequences of decisions made by an alignment of Wall Street interests and powerful U.S. politicians.

CTH readers will notice a significant amount of similarity in the words and phrases Mr. Davis uses to describe the issues. This guy gets it.

This is well worth nine minutes of your time.  Mr. Davis really gets it, and is not afraid to call the baby ugly. His criticisms are so spot-on accurate they made Maria Bartiromo uncomfortable in broadcast. These things are usually not said.  Must Watch: