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The Shrillest Dictator

All this economic growth and low unemployment will all go away if the 
Shrillest Dictator sets one jackbooted toe into the Oval Office.

See if you can follow the bouncing globe

Somebody really should clue the 2020 Democrats in that they are running to be Chief Executive of a Constitutional Republic and not vying to be Dictator of the Soviet Socialist States of America.
said yesterday that the CNN marathon townhall on the Climate Catastrophe was a monumentally stupid — dare I say catastrophic — move for the Democrats.  All of them let their inner dictator emerge before a live television audience.
Okay, not an especially large television audience to be sure. But video clips of this Campaign Catastrophe are being widely shared on social media.  And none of the Democrats come out looking very good.
Of course, since Leftists always push too hard and too far, these dummies mistook the townhall as a momentum-building mandate to double and triple down on their dictatorial edicts. 
Chief among them (no pun intended) was the shrillest dictator of them all, Elizabeth Warren.

At the CNN townhall, Comrade Warrenakov declared that she would refuse to build any additional nuclear power plants and “phase out” the ones currently in existence.  And in addition to that, she wants to ban fracking – the primary reason the US is now energy independent and one of the world’s number one exporters of energy — while kneecapping offshore drilling and any drilling on “public lands.”
How exactly would the shrillest dictator provide energy to a nation of over three hundred million people?
Who the hell knows?
Sure, Liz emits a hell of a lot of hot air, but not nearly enough to keep the entire country powered.
I hope you aren’t too used to lower energy prices. Because under General Secretary Elizabeth Warrenakov you can kiss them goodbye.
And with skyrocketing fuel costs, expect to pay more at the grocery store … and pretty much everywhere  else for that matter.  
Of course the over ten million people who work in the energy sector aren’t going to have jobs anymore, so that’s going to make the higher food and fuel costs even more crippling.
You states who have boosted your economy through energy can say goodbye to the Tenth Amendment.
Under the shrillest dictator, State’s Rights will be obliterated with the wave of a pen.

Yes, it is national suicide.  
The economic devastation the shrillest dictator hopes to achieve would drag down the entire world’s economy.
And who will take our place? 
Why, the biggest polluter on the planet, China.  That’s who.
A “President” Warren would cripple us, and for what?  

Yeah, I’m guessing those Volvo driving friends won’t be so happy about it once their energy bills skyrocket.  And that doesn’t even take into account all the additional taxes General Secretary Warrenakov plans to impose.
In a way, I’m thrilled that these dictator wannabes are saying the quiet parts out loud.
Americans need to go into 2020 with eyes wide open.  And for once, the Democrats aren’t pretending to give two craps about the American people, our economic prosperity or our energy independence.
Meanwhile, under President Trump… 

You can kiss that kind of economic expansion goodbye if the shrillest dictator sets one jackbooted toe into the Oval Office.
Because it will all go away.  All of it.
With the wave of her dictatorial pen. 

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