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Pat Sajak Crushes Conservative Blacklisting, Outrage Culture, and the Absurdity of the ‘Look at Me’ Generation

 Post by Alex Parker in "Red State":

Outrage over people’s differing beliefs, it seems to me, is completely ridiculous.

Therefore, I appreciate Pat Sajak’s recent tweet — along with his general resume of dry-humor posts mocking the goofiness of many bullhorning themselves into a tizzy.

On Thursday, Pat took to the Twittersphere to lampoon blacklisting not too unlike that of a couple stars from Will & Grace.

Here’s the recent source material, courtesy of Debra Messing and Eric McCormack:

  Hollywood ReporterVerified account @THR
 " President Donald Trump to appear at Beverly Hills fundraiser during Emmys week"
 View image on Twitter

Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be 
clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx

 And Pat for the win:
"I, like so many others, truly dislike ketchup on hotdogs, and I prefer not to be around 
anyone who uses ketchup on hotdogs. I call upon all hotdog stands to post a list 
of those who ask for ketchup on their hotdogs."

If you’re not following the television icon on social media, it’s worth the add for his wry commentary on the absurdity of this present state.
Concerning his hotdog issues, sports columnist Woody Paige joined in. Pat was there for the alley-oop:
 "Mustard, chili, cheese, hot sauce. Or just mustard and a bit of relish. Ketchup is for fries, not hot dogs.Mustard and hot dog together introduced at 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. Ketchup first put on hot dog at 1962 Mets game by a foolish fan."

"You might be giving this too much thought."

  As pointed out by The Daily Wire, the Wheel of Fortune host had a particularly profound revelation in August:

"I woke up feeling virtuous this morning. I think I’ll find something to boycott and then tweet about it. Never let it be said I’m not doing my part.

Pat’s not the only one, by the way, who believes a conservative blacklist is bonkers — just see these reactions by Seinfeld star John O’Hurley and Oscar/Grammy/Tony/Emmy winner Whoopi Goldberg.

And for more of Pat Sajak’s spot-on humor, see my roundup here.
