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Utopia is One Vote Away!

Medicare for All - assume 200,000,000 people added to the system at an average cost of $2,500 a month = $6 Trillion dollars annually.

College for All - assume 100,000,000 people added to the system at an average cost of $2,000 a month = $2.4 Trillion dollars annually.

Housing Benefits for All - assume 50,000,000 people added to the system at an average cost of $1,000 a month = $.6 Trillion dollars annually.

Universal Basic Income -  assume 320,000,000 (remember the Democrats have promised everyone this benefit) people added to the system at an average cost of $1,000 a month = $3.84 Trillion dollars annually

The New Green Deal - Current estimates of this rather vague proposal stands at between $10 and $93 Trillion over 10 years so let's just say maybe $2 Trillion annually.

So we have Democrats promising $14.84 Trillion dollars annually. Of course the obvious question is - Who will pay for this added costs? 

So what will these crazy ideas do for the permanently employed in America? 


Notice when Obama was elected the number of permanently employed Americans was. 120.0 million, when he left office it was 123.8 million.

So under President Obama's policies he created 3.8 million permanent jobs in 8 years.

Today in 2018 (per this report) the number is: 128.6, so in two years President Trump's policies have added 4.8 million. 

Current Bureau of Labor statistics say as of May 2019 states there are 131 million permanently employed.

So Trump has added 11 million in 2 and 1/2 years.

It seems to me shutting down the Oil and Gas industry will throw at least 1 million people out of work and possibly more.

Shutting down the auto industry for retooling will lay off another half million.

Shutting down the Chemical Industry (which is quite reliant on petroleum) is another 1 million people.

So, right away the Democrats place 2.5 million Americans out of work.

Since currently 11.1 million people are unemployed, Democrats will increase that to 13.6 which is 122% increase.

The Republicans had better put together some slick advertisements to explain to America what happens if they fall for this bullshit.