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“Gossip-blower” is Male CIA Operative Formerly Part of White House NSC

Details are beginning to emerge about the deep state political operative within the intelligence apparatus who wrote a ‘whistleblower’ complaint based on second-hand information he heard on the intelligence grapevine about President Trump.

According to the New York Times the complaint derives from a male who was a former CIA operative on assignment within National Security Council (NSC), who left the White House and returned to the CIA:
(emphasis mine)
WASHINGTON — The whistle-blower who revealed that President Trump sought foreign help for his re-election and that the White House sought to cover it up is a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to work at the White House at one point, according to three people familiar with his identity.
The man has since returned to the C.I.A., the people said. Little else is known about him. His complaint made public Thursday suggested he was an analyst by training and made clear he was steeped in details of American foreign policy toward Europe, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of Ukrainian politics and at least some knowledge of the law. (more)
The outlined profile, in combination with the political motive, have led many people to begin searching through: (1) current CIA operatives; (2) who come from the era of Brennan; and (3) were previously assigned to the White House (NSC); and (4) then removed; and (5) then returned to the CIA.  That profile has led to suspicions of identity.

strong possibility for the identity, a person who checks all the boxes of known attributes, follows a trail to Michael Barry:
JULY 2018 – A top intelligence official at the National Security Council (NSC) is reportedly leaving the White House.
Michael Barrysenior NSC director for intelligence programs, is leaving the council as part of national security adviser John Bolton’s major staffing overhaul, two government officials told the Daily Beast.
One source quoted in the report Tuesday said that Barry is leaving on “very good terms,” but that his departure will be a “tough loss.” Barry is reportedly returning to the CIA, where he served before joining the NSC. (link)

An October 2017 Politico article outlines Barry as he replaced Ezra Cohen Watnick [SEE HERE].  CIA operative Michael Barry was put in place by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster: “Michael Barry, became the National Security Council’s chief intelligence officer in September [2017] and is the primary liaison between the NSC, which coordinates US national security policy, and the CIA.” [LINK]  “Michael Barry once worked on a CIA assassination program.”

Michael Barry was later removed by John Bolton [2018] after Bolton became National Security Advisor. [SEE HERE] “Barry’s departure is on “very good terms,” one source said, but it will be a “tough loss for the NSC.” According to the source, Barry is returning to the Central Intelligence Agency, where he served before joining the NSC staff. His detail from CIA to the NSC is coming up, The Daily Beast has learned” [2018 LINK]

Though it is speculation, the known profile fits this specific individual.   Given the ‘whistleblower’ hired a well-known partisan political lawyer to represent his current accusations; and given the political nature of his claims with no direct evidence to support them; the motive of the deep state also matches the profile of Michael Barry.