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Hmm..... Is 2020 an Important Election?

 So, The New Socialist Democrat Party held a Climate Change Symposium, they proved to us Insanity is a pre-requisite to run for President.

What would each candidate do to support Climate Change?

Klobachar wants to make it criminal to deny Climate Change.

Castro wants to deem Climate Change denial is racism.

Booker wants to ban all carbon producing processes.

Beto wants confiscation of AK-47 and AR-15's from legal gun owners.

Bernie wants America to pay for Abortions in 3rd world countries to reduce population for the sake of Climate Change.

Fauxohontas will ban all fossil fuels by 2030.

Harris will ban all oil and gas production and use by 2030.

Creep Uncle Joe wants all Coal Plants closed by 2030.

Petey Buttdigger wants Hamburgers and Plastic Straws outlawed.

"I Pay For Votes" Yang wants all fossil fueled vehicles phased out by 2030.

It seems if America elects one of these "crazies" the next 8 years will be quite entertaining.

I wonder, if elected and they discover China or Vietnam choose to continue to pollute, will they bomb them into submission? Or, will our country be so devastated we will simply wonder, What Happened?

Me? i am voting Trump, because a rational person simply can not vote for a Democrat.