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2020 Campaign Will Be the ‘Most Vitriolic and Nastiest in American History’

Former Chief Strategist for President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, went to St Louis on Friday night for an unofficial viewing of his latest project, a film called “Claws of the Red Dragon.” Bannon is the executive producer for the film.

The movie is based on the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, to expose the Chinese tech giant’s political intimidation and lies.  Huawei is a company that President Trump has deemed a national security threat.  The administration banned Huawei from doing business with federal agencies.

“Run by a radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communism today is the greatest existential threat the West has ever faced,” Bannon said in a press release. “Huawei, the technology and telecommunications arm of the CCP and the People’s Liberation Army, is the greatest national security threat we have ever faced, as it is already in the process of a global tech domination via 5G and 6G.”

“Claws of the Red Dragon is a seminal and timely work exposing the inner workings of the CCP and Huawei,” he added.

Bannon’s speech was given at the Schlafly Eagle Council co-sponsored by The Gateway Pundit.

During his remarks, Bannon warned that the upcoming campaign will go down as the most vitriolic and nastiest in American history.

Steve Bannon: We are in the dark valleys like we were in the 1930s. And it takes leadership like we got out of the last time with Ronald Reagan and victory, not compromise, victory. What’s going to get us out of here now over the next five years is victory. That’s why Trump, the next time you have this gathering we’ll be in the middle of the dog fight. Do you think it’s been unpleasant and nasty to date? You haven’t seen anything. The 2020 campaign will go down as the most vitriolic and nastiest in American history. It’s very simple. We win, we save the country.