Still Trying to Figure Out Why They Lost, Dems Hold Retreat—and Come Up With More Bad Ideas
It has been a long few months for the Democrat party. They continue to reel from the clubbing they took in November, yet don't appear to have learned anything from it. But in a surprise move, at least a few Dems decided a bit of reflection and introspection might be needed. Could they have finally decided to do a bit of self-analysis? Maybe, but that hard look inward is only good if you are sincere about it and truly want a change. It's that sincerity that might be hard for Democrats to pull off.
Last month, Democrats attended what was billed as a "Comeback Retreat." It was held by a group called Third Way, which is also billed as center-left. The goal of the getaway:
" deliberate on why Democrats are struggling with working-class voters around cultural issues, the nature of the economic trust gap with this critical group and ideas for how to address both problems."
A few of the main points of the gathering: determine why Democrats have a "cultural disconnect" with working-class voters, and why they are not trusted with the economy. One of the results of the meeting was that the folks at Third Way see what the American people see, a party described as having a "faculty lounge problem" of being far too judgmental and far too obligated to the radical far-left wing of the party. Documents detailing discussions from the retreat said of the perceived elitism of the party and that they are being led by radicals:
"Democrats are often viewed as judgmental, out-of-touch, and dismissive of those without elite education or progressive views. This makes the party seem disconnected from everyday people. Activist groups and progressive staffers push unpopular cultural positions, making it seem like Democrats are more extreme than they actually are. Operatives and campaigns must remember that activist groups exist to promote their single issue and raise money around it, not to make Democrats electable."
Third Way is right. These are serious problems for the Democrat party. But the treatment may be worse than the illness. What was Third Way's solution? Continue gaslighting the American people, but in a different way.
"...embrace patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery," "ban far-left candidate questionnaires and refuse to participate in forums that create ideological purity tests" and "reconnect with values like hard work, rugged individualism, and entrepreneurialism."
So, after years of screeching that America is an inherently racist awful place, Democrats should now somehow "embrace" patriotism? After years of supporting programs like Guaranteed Basic Incomes, Democrats are now all for "hard work, rugged individualism, and entrepreneurialism?" No word on whether another brilliant idea from Third Way was for all of them to stand in front of the Statue of Liberty and sing the national anthem (without kneeling). It would be equally believable. If you just want to be seen as embracing patriotism, it means all you are interested in is winning, not actual patriotism. Still more bad advice: Third Way also suggested that Democrats just not talk about immigration, but if they do, use poll-tested terms like "tough," "fair," and "practical" when speaking to centrist voters. They did not even address the economic chaos caused by mass illegal immigration.
Reeling From Trump Victory, Democrats Struggle to Find a Leader or Purpose
Granted, Democrats are not going to ask Republicans for help, but the leaders of this "center-left" group are not doing them any favors either. Jim Kessler once worked for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rachel Pritzker, of yes, that Pritzker family. Groups like Third Way can hold all the retreats, webinars, and struggle sessions they want, but they are not addressing the real problem. Kessler, Pritzker, et al. could have saved a ton of money if they had just told Democrats to pack up a van and head out across America to talk to real Americans and ask them what they think. Sometimes a simple road trip will solve a lot of problems.
In another indication that Third Way is not helping Democrats, a spokesman for the group said, "Fortunately, Democrats have a deep bench of talented leaders to get that message out to voters." Not that they would take it, but my own bit of advice to Democrats: you really should just get out more.
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