Democrats Want Trump and Musk Dead (and You Too)
It’s odd watching Democrats take sides against the United States, isn’t it? Publicly, I mean. They always had sympathy for our enemies when they were old fashioned communists, mostly out of jealously, but now it’s pretty much anyone, no matter their motivation. If someone is or can be portrayed as anti-Trump, no matter who they are, the left in this country will embrace them like they’re the cure for whatever disease they have.
Unfortunately for us, the disease they have is being leftists, and everything they embrace or surround themselves with only serves to reinforce that infection. There’s a reason they purge their lives of friends and family members who aren’t obedient to left-wing dictates – they don’t have the mental or emotional ability to handle disagreement anymore, their lives are strictly reinforcement.
This may be great for bilking money from suckers – people who believe the world is teetering on the edge of destruction – but it’s not great for people who simply wish to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. You know, normal Americans.
The left is made up of semi-normal people, though they have a weird concept of what this country is supposed to be – the Constitution isn’t that long, nor is it complicated, but they just can’t get its ideals through their thick skulls.
It’s also made up of people with social anxiety disorders and all manner of mental issues for which there has been treatment for decades, but Democrats have made socially unacceptable to even discuss anymore. That’s changing, thankfully, but the left is fighting it and slowing sanity’s pace.
That means there are a lot of off-balance people out there who are highly suggestive. If people would cheer someone for murdering a CEO in cold blood because they’ve successfully propagandized an industry, or inspired the attempted mass murder of Republicans because they’re successfully propagandized a piece of legislation, what wouldn’t they do to get their way?
To listen to Democrats talk, Donald Trump is the root of all evil. Elon Musk is his flying monkey carrying out his destructive will. And you are the rubes who empowered them to destroy the country while ripping off even more money. It’s beyond stupid, but you’re not dealing with intelligent or mentally healthy people.
You’d have to have an IQ lower than your shoe size to believe these men who have more money than they could ever spend would anything, let alone life in prison, for a little more. Worthless Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy claimed Sunday that Trump was sidling up to Russia because “it makes it a lot easier for Donald Trump, Elon, and their billionaire pals to steal from the American people, to steal our data, to steal our Medicare, to steal our Medicaid in order to enrich themselves.”
As proof, he offered nothing. To challenge his assertion, CNN’s Dana Bash let it slide, ignoring the statement completely because “journalism.” She’ll win awards.
But if any unstable Democrats out there watching believe it, which they do, what do you suspect their reaction would be? A re-doubling of efforts to win the mid-terms next year? No. It is to take them out. A lot of people out there, isolated and obsessed with their progressive politics, see things like that as their chance to be a hero, to make a difference.
Murphy knows this, Democrats know this. They know they’re lying, but the truth does them no favors – the truth that they benefit from the hundreds of billions in waste, fraud and abuse in our government (government unions and left-wing grant recipients drastically favor Democrats with donations, so every dollar sent out returns a couple of quarters to them). They can’t have that gravy train derailed, or even thought about by their dupes.
They must lie, and since they’ve been lying for a very long time, the lies have to keep getting bigger to get the same result.
They don’t care if it inspires someone to take a shot at the President or Musk. Hell, they’ve already inspired 2 people to try to kill Trump, which led to a bunch of their team publicly lamenting that they’d failed, they’re hoping the third time is the charm.
Since the Secret Service is unlikely to be incompetently (deliberately) run, Trump is now a harder target. That leaves Elon. He has tight security, but anyone who’s ever worked in the protection business will tell you there isn’t much you can do to stop someone who is absolutely committed to destruction.
Still, not easy to get near Elon.
That leaves you. Frustration can only simmer for so long before it boils. Average Americans who won’t obey are next in line as targets for the left. You did this to them, they think, and you’re empowering billionaires to rip them off and harm people. How do you think that will sit with an unstable person, especially when continually reinforced by every Democrat, in and out of the media?
Be careful out there. Rather than make an argument, Democrats have chosen a course of action that will make you and the country less safe. Hopefully nothing happens before the President and Musk’s actions bear fruit, but don’t count on it. Democrats are pushing hard because, if they can’t prevent success from happening, they’ll be left naked and exposed. It will ruin them. They will do absolutely anything to prevent that from happening.
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