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Congratulations America, We Have Reached Peak Graham

Senator Lindsey Graham (U-DC) was asked for his thoughts and perspectives about USAID today during a press conference.

Senator Lindsey Graham is senior senator in charge of the upper chamber oversight of foreign government influence operations via the “150 account” that supports the goals and objectives of the State Dept.

Senator Lindsey Graham culminates his entire political career in one brief segment of pretending not to know.

We can officially say this moment achieves ‘peak Graham.’  The part where Graham tells former USAID Director Samantha Power to “quit texting me” is epic.  WATCH: 

It is said that in 1860 literary master Ralph Waldo Emerson found a stargate, entered and traveled to this day in history.  Upon return, he wrote:

“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”

Every face tells a story: