It’s Time for the Government to Abolish ‘Race’
Since 1977, the federal government has sorted Americans into bogus racial categories. Why?
Since 1976,
the U.S. Census has been forbidden by law to ask Americans about their
religious identity. And yet it is allowed to ask Americans about their racial
identity. To make matters worse, instead of relying on self-identification for
ethnicity and race, the federal government insists that every American choose
an identity from a small
set of official “races” approved by. . . the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB).
Yes, you
read that right. The bureaucracy that assigns Americans to this or that
official “race” in the twenty-first-century U.S. version of the Nuremberg
Laws is OMB. According
to, “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) oversees the
performance of federal agencies, and administers the federal budget.”
Why is OMB
given the task of formulating the number of “races” into which the American
population is supposed to be divided? For the answer, we must go back to the
aftermath of the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, which struck down racial
segregation in employment, voting, housing, and other areas. Having outlawed
Jim Crow, the civil rights movement then split into a color-blind liberal wing
led by Bayard Rustin and others, who argued that the next
step should be race-neutral economic reform, and a color-conscious wing,
associated with black radicals, who demanded racial quotas in hiring and
university admissions and black-majority congressional districts. The
color-blind liberals lost the argument.
Chicano activists like those of the Mexican American Legal Defense and
Education Fund (MALDEF)
jumped on the racial-preferences bandwagon and argued for the recognition of a
pan-Hispanic “race” whose members would be eligible for race-based affirmative
action like blacks. Some “white ethnics” like Irish Americans and Italian
Americans argued unsuccessfully that they, too, should be included in
affirmative action, because their groups had been discriminated against by
Anglo American Protestants for generations.
To forestall
conflicting and arbitrary racial and ethnic classifications, Caspar Weinberger,
secretary of health, education, and welfare in the Nixon administration,
ordered the Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE) to come up with a
consistent system of classifying Americans by race and ethnicity. The
recommendations led to OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 15, adopted in 1977, which mandated the
classification of all Americans as members of one of five official races:
American Indian or Alaskan Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black; White; and
Why five
arbitrary pseudo-races? Why not three? Or 17? Who knows. However, in March
2024, OMB announced that the five official races of the United States will
be expanded to seven, beginning with the 2030 census. “Native
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander” will be separated from the “Asian” category, and
a new Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) category will be added.
The seven official races that are scheduled to be
identified in the 2030 census are as arbitrarily defined and ludicrous as the
former set of five used by OMB and the Census Bureau from 1977 to 2024. Even
without the inclusion of Pacific Islanders, the “Asian” category is as absurd
as ever, lumping together South Asians with East Asian nationalities like
Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Jews, Arabs, and Iranians (Iran originating
from the word for “homeland of the Aryans”) will cease to be “white” for U.S.
government purposes and will now be “non-whites” in the MENA category. The
“white” category will continue to exclude blond, blue-eyed Paraguayans of
exclusively German descent—they are “Hispanic or Latino,” you see—but will
continue to include ethnicities as diverse as Portuguese and Danes.
“Garbage in,
garbage out” (GIGO) was a motto in the early days of computer programming. It
applies today to the misleading racial statistics that the Census Bureau
collects and their equally misleading applications.
The purpose
of a national census is to provide the government with accurate and useful
data. But lumping together recent immigrants from Ghana and Nigeria with
Americans, who are mostly of European descent and whose ancestors of whatever
skin color arrived here centuries ago but under the archaic segregation-era “one-drop
rule” count as “black,” is worse than useless. Likewise, no scientific
purpose is served by combining Filipinos, Chinese, and Indians—who have nothing
historically, culturally, or linguistically in common—in a single arbitrary
category dreamed up by a few federal bureaucrats and academics in the 1970s.
comparisons of income, education, and other characteristics are made between
these arbitrarily defined pan-racial groups, the result is not scholarly
discovery but sheer confusion. For example, using census definitions, in 2021
so-called “Asians” had a median household income of $101,418—43 percent higher than
the national median income of $70,784. But this is a meaningless statistic,
because there are no generic Asian Americans. Among the nationalities
arbitrarily assigned to the Asian category, Indians have the highest average
household income—$119,000—while Burmese American households made only $44,000 a
But accuracy
of data is not the point of America’s system of official racial classifications
and never has been. Since the 1970s, the unspoken rationale for America’s
system of half a dozen official pseudo-races is to identify Americans eligible
for rewards from the ever-expanding racial patronage racket pushed by the
post–New Deal Democratic Party. Now is the time to end it.
For half a
century, Democratic strategists have hoped that immigrants from Mexico, Cuba,
Puerto Rico, and other countries, instead of following Irish, German, Italian,
and other white groups down the road of assimilation and intermarriage, might
function as cohesive racial voting blocs like the black American bloc, which
since the civil rights revolution has voted overwhelmingly for Democrats. For
the last generation, progressive Democrats have therefore shrugged off the
party’s loss of white working-class voters, telling themselves that they could
compensate for the losses by importing non-white voters from other countries
who will vote strictly on party lines without caring about either the
bread-and-butter economic issues or the cultural issues that have severed many
working- and middle-class Americans of all races from the party’s fantastically
wealthy, self-serving elites.
left-wing Urban Institute is candid in describing the financial benefits of the new
MENA category to its members under the existing affirmative-action racket:
“MENA Americans’ recognition as a distinct marginalized identity grants them
legal recognition for policies that were created to protect racial minorities.
. . . Finally, policymakers will be able to better assess how to allocate its
trillions of dollars to meet the MENA community’s unique situations.”
The greatest
danger to the post-1960s racial spoils system of the Democratic Party and the
bizarre OMB system of racial categories on which it is based was the
possibility that the new immigrants, after a few generations, would lose their
distinct identities and merge with so-called whites in a new, mixed-race
majority whose members voted on the basis of interests other than racial
identities bestowed by bureaucrats. To forestall such a disaster for identity
politics, Democrats have used the institutions they controlled, like the
federal civil service, the universities, and the media, to brainwash immigrants
and their descendants into assimilating not to a transracial American melting
pot but to government-sponsored, pan-ethnic pseudo-nationalities.
Thus Mexican
Americans and Puerto Rican Americans and Argentine Americans have been taught
that they were all part of one big permanent “Hispanic” or “Latino” community,
on the basis of which they would obtain various preferences and rewards from
the government, ostensibly to counteract the virulent racism directed against
them by “whites.” Meanwhile, immigrants from Indonesia, Pakistan, and South
Korea have been encouraged to identify not with the American people as a
whole—or even with the cultures and interests of their ancestral nations—but
with the newly imagined community of “Asian and Pacific Islanders.” To promote
the fiction that these government-fabricated pseudo-nationalities are real,
there are AAPI student groups on campus, Hispanic nonprofits, and more
recently, MENA lobbies.
The larger
message of this new form of officially sanctioned segregation was and is clear:
Today’s voluntary immigrants are not comparable to the Irish and Italians and
Germans of yesteryear, who aspired to become Americans—and did so. Rather, they
are and will forever remain the new blacks, a permanently distinct “race”-based
underclass whose members can claim special benefits in hiring, jobs, and
congressional redistricting solely on the basis of their genes, while depending
on Democrats to protect them from persecution by allegedly powerful white
supremacists who at any moment might restore segregation and carry out ethnic
According to
the logic of the Democratic racial spoils system, members of each of the five
(soon to be seven) official OMB “races” are interchangeable. For example, if
there is a Hispanic quota for a professor at a university, it can be filled by
a Swedish Brazilian, a black Venezuelan, or a Yaqui Indian of Mexican descent.
An Indian American can represent a Chinese American community in Congress—they
are all “Asians,” after all—but a Polish American cannot, though the Polish
American politician might represent other government-designated whites like
Greeks or Italian Americans.
On top of
the informal rule that all members of an OMB census category are
interchangeable racial units, another rule has been superimposed by the left:
All of the official races except “white” belong to a single super-race or
supercategory, “people of color.” Loyal people of color must vote only for
Democrats in all elections at all levels of government. Of course, Irish
Americans and Italian Americans once overwhelmingly preferred Democrats to
Republicans, but nobody in the twenty-first century would accuse an Irish
American who voted for Republicans of being a traitor to the Celtic race. And
yet Hispanic or black voters who dare to vote for Republicans or independents
by definition are alleged to be “traitors to their race”—their race, that is,
as defined by census bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., and their allies in the
Democratic Party and progressive NGOs and identity-politics departments on
campus. As Joe Biden told the podcast host Charlamagne tha God
during the presidential contest in 2020, “If you have a problem figuring out
whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Yet in spite
of their best efforts, Democrats and their propagandist allies in the
universities, media, and nonprofit sectors, to say nothing of the U.S. Census
Bureau, have obviously failed to consolidate today’s voluntary immigrants into
permanently separate Democratic racial voting blocs, each with a pan-ethnic
sense of identity and community. To the shock of Democratic strategists who
staked the future of their party on racial identity politics, the various
national immigrant diasporas lumped together arbitrarily as “Hispanics” and
“AAPI” are acting like the new Irish and the new Italians, not the new blacks.
They are losing foreign languages, assimilating to America’s transracial common
culture, and marrying outside of their ethnic groups in numbers that increase
with each generation.
In 2015, 46
percent of U.S.-born Asian newlyweds and 39 percent of U.S.-born Hispanic
newlyweds married an American of another race—usually white, because so-called
whites are still the numerical majority. Among black Americans, interracial marriage shot up from 5 percent in 1980 to
18 percent in 2015.
Remember all
those stories in the press in the 1990s and 2000s claiming that the melting pot
model of the American nation is obsolete and the new model of American identity
is the salad bowl, in which lettuce leaves and croutons retain
their identity, even as they are stirred around? It’s nonsense. The melting
pot, which once fused dozens of European immigrant ethnicities into a common
American community, is now melting away racial differences as well.
bungling and politically correct Census Bureau bureaucrats have tried to cope
with the blurring of divisions among its officially promulgated races by means
of expedients like allowing census respondents to check more than one race. But
rather than try to prop up the crumbling system of official federal races, we
should just abolish official subnational races, once and for all.
In 1976,
Congress outlawed the collection of religious data by the Census Bureau. In 2025, the
Republican majority in Congress should outlaw the collection of racial data by
the census, whether on the basis of the existing bogus racial classifications
or any substitutes, beginning with the 2030 census.
Cue the
outcry from “civil rights groups” (a code name for de facto Democratic
nonprofits staffed and subsidized by rich establishment Democrats). If the
federal government can’t assign every American to one or several arbitrarily
defined races, how would it be possible to fight cases of discrimination on the
basis of race?
The absence
of questions about religion in the U.S. Census and on other government forms
does not prevent Americans from suing if they believe they are victims of
religious discrimination. In the same way, individuals will remain free to sue
employers and other organizations for racial discrimination, and juries will
remain free to deliver verdicts in their favor, even after Congress has banned
the use of nonsensical racial categories by the census. Gone will be the days
when you had to check one of half a dozen “race” boxes on census and other
federal and private organization forms. But racial discrimination will continue
to be illegal under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
To prevent
the Census Bureau from going around a ban and using the same existing racial
categories in its American Community Survey questionnaires, Congress
should mandate that the federal government can ask questions only about
specific countries of ancestral origin, not about pseudo-biological races.
Respondents could put down more than one. If the purpose of the census is accuracy,
then an American of German and Mexican and French descent should put down
Germany, Mexico, and France. If family tradition refers to a polity that no
longer exists—Austria-Hungary or the Romanov Empire—then write that down. The more accurate, the
better, if you are really interested in empirical demography and not corrupt
Democratic racial patronage politics.
What about
black Americans who do not know where their ancestors in Africa came from? For
them, the generic African American category might be kept. But contemporary
immigrants and their descendants from Africa or other countries in the Western
Hemisphere would be required to identify their specific countries of
origin—Haiti or Angola, say.
reforms reflect common sense. They are based on the way both native-born
Americans and immigrants actually think about themselves. Outside of the weird
elite subculture of the center left, most Mexican Americans do not think of
themselves as generic “Hispanics” or “Latinx,” any more than German, Swedish,
and Austrian Americans think of themselves as “Teutonics” or Jewish and Arab
Americans think they are part of one big, happy, affirmative action–eligible
family of MENAs.
Republican majority in Congress should act now to ban racial questions from the
census and the American Community Survey, given the possibility that they could
lose one or both houses of Congress in the 2026 midterms. There are no
political downsides for Republicans if they stand up for race-neutral,
color-blind law and public policy. Democratic attempts to demonize Trump and
Republicans as racists have not deterred growing numbers of Hispanic, Asian,
and even black voters from voting Republican in recent elections. The number of
non-white voters whom the GOP might lose by preventing the Census Bureau from
continuing to assign Americans to absurd racial categories is negligible. And
if Democrats decide to use the filibuster in the Senate to mount a die-hard
defense of arbitrary racial classifications in the census, their focus on a
niche issue that seems odd to “normies” of all races would be free publicity
for Republicans who stand for the proposition that Americans should be treated
as individuals, not as units in government-designated racial blocs.
of church and state means that the federal government and employers and
universities and other organizations are not permitted to ask you to identify
yourself by your religion. Six decades after the civil rights revolution, the
time has arrived for the separation of race and state.
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