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Uni-Party Wants Standing Army to Use Lethal Force for Election Civil War


I've been saying similar things the guy in the video presents for months now.  People just refuse to want to acknowledge just how badly they've been taken, especially by Trump concerning the fact that they are democrats who have successfully highjacked the republican party, and have been using one half the base to undermine the other.  Peter Thiel, the man who more than likely gave Trump the one hundred million he claimed as his own money, to run for president, implied in an interview that democrats were just to way out there, meaning they've already gone to the point of no return, so logically trying to highjack the democratic party would have been an exercise in futility.  There is going to be no difference between who you who for, they are one and the same.  The guy in this video makes a pretty clear case for it.  Outside the newly released information on the use of the military to assist civil law enforcement, I've been talking for months now how they've equalized your vote, how they accomplished it, and even who wrote the script they've all been using.  This is how Trump feels embolden telling people this will be the last election you'll ever have to vote in.  The extensive, inclusive voter fraud system will vote for you if you don't bother to vote, it's a completely legitimate looking voter fraud scheme, which will make finding the fraud near impossible using ballots of legally registered voters. They, not the people, moving forward, will pick the winners and losers.  At some point, maybe even this election cycle, people will become disenfranchised and violence could ensue.  

Last night on another board someone inquired why hasn't Trump said anything on the use of the military to shoot civilians, he said the changes were made on Sept 27, almost a month ago, and Trump hasn't said a word.  I wrote a reply in the comments, and have said similar before, that Jan 6th set forth the justification for the use of the military.  In my comment I replied that the prequel had already happened, now we are entering the sequel and why we are in the sequel stage.  

"Trump has, you have to follow the pattern being set. Trump set the prequel with the events that arose out of Jan 6th, it wasn't just Trump, Pelosi had her hand in on it also. Now the sequel is being set. Trump making remarks that the enemy within should be handled easily by the national guard or, if necessary, the military. The permission granted, and Trump's remarks, set the stage for any events that may or could unfold around the election regardless of who wins. They don't care who wins, they actually know who is going to win, the reason they don't care is because both parties through the America First Initiative have been going in and out of back doors in NYC planning the installation of the next government that will transform government into all like minded people. They've already agreed on who will get vetted, who will be ousted, and who will be incoming that agree on the policy/policies be set. They come together and decided that to much time is wasted during the transition period, if like minded people who agree on the agenda being set could be formulated prior to the election, they could implement policy/polices quicker. This is going to be an historical changeover of our government ever seen in US history, as such, there's going to be quite a few people upset because they can't see it for what it is because they've been encased in an environment of division not to see it. Each side thinking they've been respectfully set up for winning when in fact each side has been set up for defeat. If push comes to shove, and it's deemed necessary, they'll shoot to kill regardless of people's political protocols. Think of it like the vaccines only this time it could be bullets, there was no exclusions when it came to the distribution of the vaccine, they were equally applied.  To highlight the prevalence of the being in the sequel stage, one only has to look at Brett Baier inviting Kamala on his show and mixing up the footage of remarks Trump made on the use of the military between how he worded it on Maria Bartiromo shows and that of Harris Faulkners, and Kamala saying those wasn't the remarks she was talking about, she was talking about the other remarks, but no matter, in the end both remarks had the same end result. The military shooting Americans. Basically, what this amounts to, is her claiming they are the problem, and him claiming they are the problem, and if something happens, both sides will excuse as having been necessary because their respective leaders warned them of such. So they come out the winners, and anyone shot comes out the losers. There's no less a pattern being set than that of Kamala appearing on Fox and Trumps remarks become the hot topic.

Plain fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter who said it, or in particular what is said, it's part of a pattern you watch unfold.  David Martins quote:  "only way for the to get their message out is to ride on my coattails",  in the case of the use of the military, the coattails they are riding on is Trump's.  

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