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Trump Tears Into Kamala After She Calls Him 'Exhausted'

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

With their campaign floundering, Kamala Harris and her handlers believe they've found an effective line of attack: Claiming Trump is too old and "exhausted" to be president. 

The irony is thick given Harris has been a principal enabler of President Joe Biden remaining in office despite his very real senility being on constant display. Still, no one has ever accused the vice president of having any shame. Speaking on Friday, she claimed that Trump is "exhausted on the campaign trail" and isn't "fit for the toughest job in the world."

Of course, there's a lot of context missing in that attack. For starters, Trump is doing far more public appearances and interviews than Harris. For giggles, though, let's say he is "exhausted." So what? Who wouldn't be after the insane schedule he's had the last month or so? 

Meanwhile, Harris barely does anything and then shows up to badmouth the guy who is putting in the work. When you think about it, that's pretty on-brand. We are talking about the laziest person to ever run for the presidency. The fact that she only shows up to take shots is exactly what you'd expect.

That dynamic wasn't lost on Trump, and he tore into the vice president on Friday when a reporter pressed him on the issue. 

REPORTER: Kamala Harris said she thinks you're exhausted. That's why you're canceling events. Are you exhausted? 

TRUMP: What events have I canceled? I haven't canceled. She doesn't go to any events. She's a loser. She didn't even show up for the Catholics last night at the hotel. It was insulting. All they are is soundbites. So today, I was at "Fox and Friends" at seven in the morning. I then went to two different other appearances. I then made about 15 phone calls. I've gone 48 days now without a rest, and I've got that loser who doesn't have the energy of a rabbit. 

Let me tell you something. She should have been last night with the Catholics. So all they do is put out soundbites. Tell me when you've seen me take even a little bit of a rest. Not only am I, I'm not even tired. I'm really exhilarated. You know why? We're killing her in the polls because the American people don't want her. She didn't pass her bar exam. She's not a smart person. She's not a person that should represent our country so I just want to let you know that very clearly.

What we just witnessed was vintage Donald Trump, and he's right. I know it's inconvenient for the Harris campaign, but if anyone is showing a lack of stamina in this race, it's the vice president. She couldn't even be bothered to show up for the Al Smith Dinner on Thursday night, something no presidential candidate but Walter Mondale has ever missed. 

I don't think anyone is buying what Harris is selling. Everyone can see she's running a far less energetic, far more risk-averse campaign, and someone who is legitimately barnstorming the country has ever right to be tired. THat doesn't make them unqualified to be president, and suggesting that just makes Harris look moronic.