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Toronto International Film Festival Cancels Screenings Of Russian Propaganda Film

 There has been growing outrage as Canadians learned our tax dollars were used to fund Russian propaganda.

The Toronto International Film Festival has cancelled the screening of a Russian propaganda film that was funded by Canadian taxpayer dollars.

In a statement, TIFF claims the cancellation was due to ‘threats,’

You can read their statement below:

“Effectively immediately, TIFF is forced to pause the upcoming screenings of Russians at War on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as we have been made aware of significant threats to festival operations and public safety. While we stand firm on our statement shared yesterday, this decision has been made in order to ensure the safety of all festival guests, staff, and volunteers.

This is an unprecedented move for TIFF.

As a cultural institution, we support civil discourse about and through films, including differences of opinion, and we fully support peaceful assembly. However, we have received reports indicating potential activity in the coming days that pose significant risk; given the severity of these concerns, we cannot proceed as planned.

This has been an incredibly difficult decision. When we select films, we’re guided by TIFF’s Mission, our Values, and our programming principles. We believe this film has earned a place in our Festival’s lineup, and we are committed to screening it when it is safe to do so.”

Strangely, TIFF still tried defending the film in their statement, showing they clearly haven’t figured out why people across the world are so outraged. At a time when we should be countering propaganda from hostile regimes like Russia, TIFF tried to push pro-Russia lies.

As noted by former Harper Government Cabinet Minister Chris Alexander, TIFF still seems to be pushing Russian propaganda narratives:

“This move is disingenuous: by implying Ukrainians or others opposed to this film are engaged in anything other than peaceful protest, @TIFF_NET is blaming victims & adding insult to injury.

They & their board need to disavow this patent Russian propaganda & apologize.”

Spencer Fernando