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Meet Tim Walz, Extreme Leftist

Guy Benson reporting for Townhall 

We noted earlier that in their hero worship coverage of the newly-minted Democratic duo, much of the 'news' media is presenting Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as a 'centrist,' who at least 'reads moderate.'  His record, however, is hard left -- an appropriate match for the woman atop the ticket.  The Squad and the Democratic Socialists weren't celebrating his selection for no reason.  He's one of them, ethical baggage and all.  A Wall Street Journal op/ed, written by a Minnesotan, describes Walz's record like this: "[Walz's] Minnesota has become a high-crime state. Student achievement has tumbled as spending on schools has skyrocketed. Per capita gross domestic product has fallen below the national average. Minnesotans have joined residents of New York, California and Illinois in fleeing their home state."  A perfect match for Harris

Let's start on the issue of immigration.  Kamala Harris supports 'sanctuary' policies, favors decriminalizing illegal immigration, proposed abolishing ICE (which she compared to the KKK), and committed to furnishing illegal immigrants with taxpayer-funded healthcare plans.  Tim Walz ridiculed border enforcement, endorsed sanctuary state and sanctuary city policies, and provided illegal immigrants arriving in his state ("new Americans," he called them) with drivers' licenses, and taxpayer-funded healthcare and tuition. The pro-illegal immigration failed Border Czar doubled down with this man:

The insulting audacity of this:

In the realm of law and order, Harris and Walz might be called the fiery but mostly peaceful ticket.  He let the largest city in his state burn for days, while she helped bail out the rioters doing the burning.  This is how local news covered what Walz later termed an "abject failure," while mostly trying to blame others:

Walz's laser focus was on "equity," the smell of which his wife wistfully recalled wafting all the way to her house:

This is who they were, and still are:

On social issues, like Harris, Walz is a hardcore culture warrior.  He signed revolting abortion legislation, even stripping protections for infants born alive during failed late-term abortions.  It's hard to claim the mantle of 'pro-choice' when coerced abortions are empowered by your policies.  On gender politics, Walz required schools to provide tampons, including in boys' restrooms, starting in grade four.  Yes, tampons in elementary school boys' rooms -- because "menstruating people" aren't just girls.  He also championed Minnesota becoming a destination for irreversible sex-reassignment surgeries for children, a radical practice that is so ungrounded in sound science that Western Europe has been sprinting away from it.  Walz embraces it:  

Newly minted vice presidential candidate Tim Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that made his state a sanctuary for child sex-changes, promoting tourism for such radical medical interventions in defiance of states that restrict them...Dubbed the Trans Refuge Bill by supporters, the law grants legal protection to children who travel to Minnesota for so-called gender affirming care, including puberty blockers, reconstructive genital surgery, and hormone therapy, as well as the medical practitioners who provide it. The law prohibits Minnesota courts or officials from complying with child removal requests, extraditions, arrests, or subpoenas related to a child’s sex-change procedures received in Minnesota, even if they’re a crime in another state. The law makes seeking gender-transition procedures for minors a factor in some assessments for whether a Minnesota court has jurisdiction to make an initial determination in child-custody cases. It also gives courts temporary emergency jurisdiction if a child comes to Minnesota from a state that refused them the procedures.

Just your average, casserole-bakin', huntin' Midwesterner.  During COVID, Walz let some people riot (resulting in immense damage, widespread destruction, destroyed livelihoods, and deaths), while aggressively enforcing lockdown policies against others.  Here's how Walz thinks about Socialism:

And here's how Walz apparently defines neighborliness:

The gall of this, in light of that:

He's also an unrepentant Andrew Cuomo type:

On guns, Walz is less hostile to the Second Amendment than many Democrats (it's unclear how he feels about Kamala Harris' gun confiscation plan, which she's currently pretending not support anymore), but he does favor a lot of standard-issue gun control proposals -- and uses this notable line to justify his stance:

Finally, while he certainly had less of a central role in propagating the Big Biden Lie than the Vice President, he was an enthusiastic devotee of the lie, before and after it fell apart on the debate stage:

They will lie about literally anything, while claiming to be joyful warriors for Truth and Democracy.  One does wonder if Walz would have lied quite so aggressively on this particular point had he known what the future would hold for his own career after his party's primary elections were nullified and Biden was forced out.  I'll leave you with Harris' summary of the worldview embodied by both members of her ticket: