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Beyond Orwell

Remember when the Australians were putting people into forced quarantine camps for failing to take vaccinations?  Remember when the New Zealanders were arrested for going on a subversive trip to McDonalds and violating their containment zones?  Remember when Americans were arrested for going to playgrounds or parks?  Remember when EU citizens were arrested for not carrying their vaccine passports?

Well… If you remember those examples that factually happened, then you can likely see how this is just another part of the continuum.  WATCH:


There is no such thing as “misinformation” or “disinformation“, there is only information.

You were not born with a brain requiring you to believe everything you are told. You were born with a brain that allows you to process information and formulate opinions using discernment.

There is only INFORMATION. The variables within the information you receive are accuracy or inaccuracy; truth or lies.
