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Need to Replace Biden on Behalf of the State Dept Who are Worried About Losing Ukraine Money if Trump Wins

The U.S. Department of State (DoS), the umbrella agency for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), outlines their policy toward the American public through CNN.  This truthful perspective is why all foreign governments regard CNN and CNNi as “state run” media.

In essence, everyone around the world -except the American public- know that CNN is the State Dept. From that perspective, the viewpoints of CNN then begin to take on an accurate context.

Now, having said that, keep in mind CNN is not necessarily always in alignment with the executive branch, even though the DoS is a silo within the executive branch of government.  The hierarchy within the State Dept consider themselves as more important than the USA executive branch, and the 7th floor of foggy bottom is filled with self-entitled progressive globalists who attend fancy cocktail parties and carry multiple passports. They’re all professional snobs.

The State Dept operates for the private and foreign interests of the USA elites who hold power around the world and in various consulate offices.  The indulgencies are quite remarkable and selling USA influence is big business, really big business.  The DoS as an institution operates on a private quasi-international caste system of power and money.   This creates the baseline to understand the priorities of the State Dept.

The State Department is very worried that another Trump administration will put them in a financial “dry spell” again because President Trump’s foreign policy is against the interests of the people within it.  President Trump controls the foreign policy of the executive branch by using economic relationships to control national security issues.  This means the Dept of State cannot sell foreign policy when President Trump controls the executive branch.  I hope that makes sense.

With that context we are able to discuss the following segment.  The State Department is very worried that Trump will dry up the Ukraine funding.  Therefore, Joe Biden losing to Donald Trump would be horrible for the State Dept….  ENTER CNN.  Now you will understand why Jake Tapper has been unleashed with furrowed brow to remove Joe Biden. WATCH:

The State Dept, via CNN, recruited Jake Tapper away from ABC news in order to advance their interests.

Tapper was well compensated.

All of the CNN anchors hang out with State Dept people.

In a symbiotic relationship, CNN then protects those State Dept interests.

Because DoS is the umbrella agency for the CIA, the CNN peeps also get insider info from IC sourcing and hire the IC officials after executive branch terms.

Does all of this start nuance to make sense now?

The State Department is worried that Biden doesn’t have the juice to beat Trump.

Tapper, with furrowed brow, is there to drive the coffin nails.

Jake Tapper even looks like the State Department snobs now.