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Biden Family Enter Negotiation Stage – Letter to Congress Frames Baseline for Exit Price

The Biden family have entered the negotiation stage, as they face two simultaneous enemies aligned in common purpose.

Hunter Biden has been brought close into the fold, as the Intelligence Community obviously holds leverage over Dad’s disposition through the entry vector of his son.

As this aspect unfolds, the Biden syndicate goes to the mattresses. The threat metric against Hunter is why he is now part of the daily advisory group around the Office of the President.

Meanwhile, in a coded message, Joe Biden technically blamed the Obama network today when he called in to the MSNBC radio show and pointed fingers at the DNC elite.

Everyone knows the DNC is now under the full control of Team Obama. If Biden feels the “Democrat Elite” are targeting him, he understands Barack Obama is behind the approvals to unleash internecine attacks against his administration. Death by a thousand Obama cuts.

The Obama network operate inside and outside DC. Simultaneous to this assault against him, Biden is now also facing the Intelligence Community who have decided it’s time for Joe to go. Biden is now facing two enemies, the Obama network and the Intelligence Community (IC).

The IC threat became visible first with the opposition from SSCI Chairman Mark Warner, then with the story about Joe Biden’s doctor being financially connected to the outcomes of the Biden syndicate. The Biden family selling influence for affluence is a joint collaboration of a considerable tribe. Fifty years in the DC system creates a large rolodex of affluence and influence.

The story of the Biden doctor having a financial stake in the Biden family business only comes to the surface via the IC. That’s a direct shot across the bow that tells us the IC now considers Joe Biden’s disposition against their interests. The clock ticks faster.

With the clock ticking faster, we leave the “if” stage of the exit and come toward the “how and when” phase. This now transitions the entire process into a negotiation for the exit price.

Can the Biden syndicate get 10% in perpetuity, or will they have a more traditional DC exit price of books and foundations? Keep in mind, a speaking circuit is out of the question given the health status of the principal. As a result, Hunter, Jill and family will be negotiating for their collective interests. That’s what is happening right now.

It’s really not a matter of “if” – in truth it never was. They are now working through the “how and when.”

WASHINGTON DC – President Joe Biden is attempting to head off more intraparty calls for him to drop out of the race, sending a letter to Hill Democrats Monday morning that emphatically stated he would continue on as the party’s planned nominee.

“I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump,” he said in the letter to lawmakers. (more)


I wouldn’t get too caught up on the details of “how” the exit happens.  Instead, just understand this was all determined long ago and we are watching a very predictable sequence and performance.

Hunter Biden is in the White House because he is a threat vector.

Jill Biden is part of the financial team working out the exit price.

The Donolins and Blackrock group are likely key players ensuring their investments and assets are secure regardless of the outcome.

The Obama network is in control of the DNC apparatus and domestic media presentation.  Obama himself will keep above the fray, but watch for the messages and signals from the other members of the team.

The Intelligence Community entered through the door of SSCI Chairman Mark Warner, and now we see strong -not subtle- fingerprints of the intelligence network effort.  The “six ways to Sunday” team is formidable, and Joe Biden doesn’t really have the cognitive or influence juice to push back strongly.  They fired the shot with the Doctor story, and they have the potential to leak part of the Hur taped deposition if needed.

Keep watching.

About Joe Biden's $100 Million Reasons to Stay in the POTUS Race...

Since "The Debate" between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in late June the news cycle has been dominated by reaction to Joe Biden's inescapable mental decline (which legacy media and Democrat politicians all suddenly noticed at the exact same time) and speculation about whether he will be replaced on the Democrat party presidential ticket.

Each possibility has different legal and political ramifications to be considered. One issue is, just what would happen to the nearly $100 million cash on hand in Biden's presidential campaign account? The popular wisdom among the pundit class has been that the money could only go to Kamala Harris, so if the Democrats didn't replace Biden with Harris at the top of the ticket that $100 million is essentially unusable by any other candidate.

That's not entirely correct, as attorney Charlies Spies, who formerly served as counsel to the FEC chair, explained in an analysis piece at the Wall Street Journal. Much depends on when Biden drops out, assuming that he does. Spies writes:

If Mr. Biden drops out before the Democratic Party formally makes him its nominee, then Federal Election Commission rules dictate that no more than $2,000 of any campaign funds that he raised may be transferred to any other candidate, including Ms. Harris. The Federal Election Campaign Act governs what a presidential campaign may do with “excess campaign funds,” which is what the money left in the Biden for President campaign will legally be considered if he is no longer a candidate. Those excess funds may be contributed in an unlimited amount to the Democratic National Committee or an independent expenditure committee. Presidential campaigns may also contribute such funds to other federal campaigns, subject to contribution limits, which are $2,000 per election.

In short: Before the nomination officially goes to Mr. Biden, his campaign is limited to donating $2,000 to the Democratic nominee, whether that new standard bearer is Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or Ms. Harris.

Spies notes that Biden could quietly decide he's going to drop out but wait until the convention in six weeks, but given the level of anxiety about the ticket on the Democrat side, that would be tough to pull off. But in answer to a question on Twitter, Spies said that if the Dems have an early roll call vote for the nomination (as has been rumored might be in the works), he could resign immediately afterward and Harris would have full access to the funds since she'd then be the vice presidential nominee.

What if Biden doesn't want to drop out, but DNC leadership determines that he has a disability that would prevent him from becoming the nominee? That would have no bearing on the disposition of the funds because the only way DNC leadership could pull that off is by making that determination after the DNC convention adjourns, meaning that Biden would also be the official nominee at that point. As I've written in the past, the DNC executive committee has the authority to fill the vacancy after the adjournment of the convention (not simply after the roll call vote for the nomination) per the 2024 Call to Convention, which is very specific on that point.

And, as Spies writes, if Biden were no longer the nominee and Harris wasn't at the top of the ticket, the $100 million in the Biden campaign war chest "may be contributed in an unlimited amount to the Democratic National Committee or an independent expenditure committee," so the Dems definitely aren't completely constrained. However, candidates are entitled to the Lowest Unit Charge for political ads while parties and IE committees are not, so the $100 million wouldn't stretch as far for any candidate not named Kamala Harris.

But when you've got major donors and bundlers bailing, having to pay a higher rate for advertising might be the better choice.

Between covering up for Joe Biden's obvious mental decline for years, putting a kibosh on any true primary challengers, and choosing to hold their convention so late, Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for this predicament. It would be funny and entertaining if it didn't also have such major ramifications for the country as a whole.