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Bill Maher Piles On – Joe Biden Must Leave

For those who still think a possibility exists of Joe Biden taking the nomination from the 2024 Democrat Convention, just stop.  There is no way for Joe Biden to be the nominee with this scale of democrats pushing him out.

President Trump doesn’t have to spend a dime. There is so much anti-Biden publicity from within his own party, no further criticism is needed.  The donors are blasting Biden, Hollywood is blasting Biden, the delegates to the convention and party officials are blasting him; the list is very long.  Biden is toast.

It is important to remember, however, that what we are witnessing is not some random sequence of events as an outcome of a debate; this is a well-coordinated, organized and top-down constructed removal operation that was long in the planning {SEE HERE}.  Joe Biden was always going to be removed and replaced at the DNC convention in Chicago.  Do not be distracted from this fundamental baseline, this was the plan.

The latest voice to join the chorus of those isolating, ridiculing and marginalizing the figurehead of their party, is Bill Maher.  WATCH:

I don’t know the specifics of how they are going to do it, but Biden will not be the nominee at the conclusion of the convention.  The floor is open for his replacement, who will then select a VP running mate.   That’s what is most likely to happen.  That’s what we said in 2022 and 2023, and remains the greatest likelihood today.

A new nominee should, and will, select their VP running mate.  That is how they dispatch Kamala. It’s not complicated.