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It Was Never About the Current Thing, It Was Always About the Revolution

If you've been paying attention to every left-leaning movement since the 60s, you'll have noticed a common thread. No matter what the movement is about, the solution is always the same. 

When it comes to saving the environment, the solution is for everyone to hand all the power to a governing body capable of accomplishing the task of organizing and regulating businesses and the lives of everyday citizens to save the planet. 

When it comes to protecting black lives, the solution is a dissolving of the current system and building a new one less prone to "white supremacy" and "colonialism." 

When it comes to gun control, the solution is for more rules to be enforced by a governing body that could supersede the rights of the people in these matters. 

When it comes to saving the world from a viral outbreak, the solution is to bow to a governing body that obeys an even higher body of "experts," which dictates how the people can do anything from leave their homes to how they interact with the public. 

The solution is always the same. Deconstruct the current system and establish a more powerful centralized system. 

The activists aren't shy about telling you this either. Every "current thing" movement will spout buzzwords about "colonialism" or "white supremacy," or something about how there are too many greedy rich people not paying their fair share, or that the system is founded on some sort of social evil and needs to be dismantled. 

Right now, the current thing is "freeing Palestine," and leftists might have titled the song differently, but the lyrics are still the same. Watch these two women discuss how UCLA needs to be dismantled as an institution because of (insert buzzwords). 

As you can see, Palestine is merely the latest mask these people are wearing, but beneath the mask are simply Marxists. 

Their goal is to tear down the Constitutional Republic and establish a centralized system in its place that will, in their minds, be the first successful ultra-centralized government to ever exist. They won't call it communism or socialism, but it will almost be indistinguishable. That is the ultimate goal. Palestine and black lives don't actually matter, even if the useful idiots think it does. These things, even the environment, are just a means to that ultimate end. 

Tomorrow, the marching orders that send people into the street could be a complete and total 180-degree shift from a stance the left had previously marched about, and the useful idiots wouldn't think twice about it. They'd be causing the same devastation and destruction and fighting just as hard all the same. 

This is important to understand because knowing who your enemy truly is is the first step to defeating them. It's good to treat the symptoms of this disease by destroying the talking points about the "current thing" in question, but ultimately the solution to stopping this nonsense is to make it clear that pushing the disease of Marxism itself is something we won't tolerate. 

This means punishing institutions such as these universities in various ways for being a home for activist professors and staff and allowing students to go to extremes on campus in ways we're seeing now. Any type of government funding should be revoked, donations should be stopped, students should be expelled and professors should be fired. 

Not taking these measures just allows this kind of destruction and violence to continue, and moreover, sends that destructive behavior out into our society where they erode our very civilization. 

Marxism cannot be allowed to thrive, no matter what they call it. It is an evil and demonstrably deadly ideology. It requires violence murder, and anti-American values in order to thrive. It has to be choked to death at the source, and it's pretty clear at this point that the source is our own educational institutions.