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Biden Regime's Failing Foreign Policy Embarrasses America Again

Spencer Brown reporting for Townhall 

For more than three years, President Joe Biden and his administration have failed, fumbled, and outright botched foreign policy. Despite promising to be a president who would "rehabilitate" America's standing on the world stage and forge stronger relationships with allies, Biden and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken have achieved the opposite. 

If anything, the Biden foreign policy has been best for an axis of evil he nudged closer together. Arguably the biggest player in that axis is China, and the genocidal regime has just delivered another embarrassing rebuke of American influence. 

Last week, Blinken traveled to China for meetings with the CCP and even President Xi Jinping himself. Part of Blinken's goal was to convince Beijing to stop aiding Russia in its war against Ukraine — after the Biden administration put Xi and Putin in a cozy position to scheme against the United States through months of failed attempts to get China to talk Moscow out of invading its neighbor.  

The White House wasted months — because its attempts to deter Putin were failing — sharing information with China in efforts to get Beijing to take the invasion threat seriously. China turned around and shared the U.S. intelligence with Putin, ingratiating the CCP to Russia, and making Putin aware of what America knew of his forces amassing along the border. 

When the Biden administration isn't actively helping our foes grow more unified, China is still screwing us. CCP-sanctioned corporate espionage undermines American industry and national security. Confucius Institutes at American schools feed research and intelligence back to Beijing. China regularly hacks U.S. government systems and networks. Don't forget about the CCP's Uyghur genocide or its role in the release of COVID-19 and subsequent efforts to cover up the virus' origins.

After Blinken's latest trip to China, there were no notable "wins" of any sort to be heralded — just as happened with each previous visit to Beijing by Biden administration officials such as Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. That, on its own, is an embarrassment. But then things got worse.

This week, as Blinken's jet fumes were still in the air over the Pacific, China met with representatives from Hamas — the Iran-backed terrorist organization responsible for slaying the most Jews in any single day since the Holocaust last October — and Fatah — the ruling party in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. the West Bank) led by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas. According to China's government, the meeting saw the feuding parties make "encouraging progress" toward reconciling differences to mount a more unified threat to Israel. 

"China’s involvement in facilitating Palestinian unity negotiations reflects its ambition to assert regional influence," noted Craig Singleton, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the senior director of FDD's China Program. "However, the intractable divisions between Fatah and Hamas, as evidenced by previous attempts at reconciliation, present formidable obstacles to achieving lasting unity. China’s capacity to navigate these complexities and foster genuine progress remains to be seen," Singleton added.

Regardless of whether China's new efforts at "peace" talks are successful, it's a significant embarrassment for President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and their tried-and-failing foreign policy. 

Succinctly: the Biden administration has turned on its ally Israel while our foe China has started up the peace process between terrorists and anti-Israel governments in the Middle East. It was entirely predictable for the Biden administration. 

In addition to Russia and China, Iran is another party to this modern axis of evil. Iran has also backed Russia in its war against Ukraine and — thanks to Biden — has more resources and latitude to ramp up its terror-sponsoring activities in addition to a direct attack launched at Israel last month.

Through it all, Biden tells these foes "don't," and then they do. All while Blinken and other members of the administration trot around the globe groveling for some warped version of friendship that only leads to stronger foes and an embarrassed, weaker America.