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Biden's Title IX Rewrite Is Here

Madeline Leesman reporting for Townhall 

The Biden administration will stop at nothing to erase women and girls in the name of “inclusion” for individuals who believe they are “transgender.”

On Friday, the Biden administration released new rules to protect LGBTQ+ individuals under the federal civil rights legislation Title IX. Title IX went into effect in 1972 to protect sex discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funding.

Going forward, the basis of “sex” now encompasses the concept of “gender identity.”

“These regulations make it crystal clear that everyone can access schools that are safe, welcoming and that respect their rights,” Miguel Cardona, Biden’s education secretary, said in a call with reporters from The New York Times on Thursday.

In a video posted to X, Cardona claimed that these new rules built upon the legacy of Title IX.

“This final regulation strengthens and restores vital protections against sex discrimination, including sexual harrassment. It also protects students against discrimination based on pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation and gender identity,” he said in the video. 

In addition, Jennifer Klein, the director of the White House Gender Policy Council, told the Times that the rules were designed to strike a balance, claiming they would “restore and strengthen vital protections that were weakened by the prior administration, while reaffirming our longstanding commitment to fundamental fairness.”

Predictably, advocates for women and girls came forward against Biden’s egregious rewrite of Title IX. 

“Extending Title IX to cover gender identity means that schools will no longer have discretion over whether – or how – to provide certain services and activities to students on the basis of self-declared gender identity. Title IX was written in 1972 when ‘sex’ meant male and female, and no amount of interpretive jiujitsu permits a cabinet agency to rewrite the plain language of the law,” Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, told Townhall. “Efforts to do so have failed repeatedly in Congress for one simple reason: such an expansion of law is deeply unpopular, with opposition to these changes spanning both political and racial lines. This betrayal of students will not soon be forgotten by American parents, and we look forward to suing the Administration over this policy soon.”

“It’s 2024 and the Biden administration doesn’t believe there is a difference between biological females and biological males. They believe extending the definition of sex in Title IX to include gender identity is 'inclusive,' when in reality it excludes biological females. Not only will this change effectively eliminate the intended purpose of Title IX, it will open the floodgates for Districts to require minor females to share restrooms and spaces with male students and teachers, leading to an increase in sexual harassment and sexual assault,” PDE Vice President Caroline Moore added.

”Taking opportunities from women and giving them to men doesn’t enforce Title IX, it violates it. That was true before the Administration dropped this rule, and it is still true today,” Jennifer Braceras, vice president for legal affairs at the Independent Women’s Forum said in a statement. 

Riley Gaines, a former NCAA athlete who competed against Will “Lia” Thomas, a so-called “transgender” athlete, said, “With its new Title IX rewrite, the Biden administration is unilaterally erasing fifty years of equal opportunity law for women. The president and his administration can't act like they care about women or our opportunities and then go and wipe out women’s protections under the country’s landmark sex equality law.”

Paula Scanlan, who was forced to share a locker room with Thomas, added,” “If allowed to stand, the Biden administration’s new rule will set women back decades, eroding the impressive gains that Title IX ushered in.”

In 2022, the Biden administration released a draft version of the Title IX rewrite in “celebration” of Title IX. Female athletes spoke out in droves about the impact the law would have on women and girls, which Townhall covered.

At a rally commemorating the 50th anniversary of Title IX, former Democratic Presidential candidate and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard spoke out against the Democratic Party’s position to rewrite Title IX.

"There are biological and physiological differences between men and women," Gabbard said in her remarks. "This is the height of disrespect, offense, and what at its core is a hatred for women."

"If a man can become a woman simply by declaring it to be so, then there is nothing that is real. There is nothing that is true. Anything can go," she added. 

"We've seen 50 years of progress since Title IX. But, the future of Title IX, the opportunities that have come about because of it, are at peril because of the actions and policies coming from the Biden administration and Congress' failure to act thus far to protect women and girls in sports," she continued.