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$96 Billion Foreign Aid Bill Clears Last Hurdle, Vote Set for Saturday

streiff reporting for RedState 

A strong bipartisan vote propelled the $96 billion foreign aid bill, sending assistance to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine forward Friday despite the opposition of the Freedom Caucus. By a vote of 316 to 94, the bill moves to a final vote on Saturday morning. Fifty-five Republicans were joined by the 39 Democrats in opposing the bill.

Roll Call Vote Results


Rules Committee Clears Foreign Aid Bills for Vote, Speaker Johnson Leaves 'Motion to Vacate' Rule Alone

House Freedom Caucus in Uproar Over Ukraine Funding Bill and Shock Move to Stop Vacate-the-Chair Votes

READ: Text of Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan Bills Released, and That Ukraine 'Loan' Provision Is Quite Curious

Speaker Johnson Establishes Rules for Israel/Taiwan/Ukraine Aid Bills; Vote Set for Saturday

Speaker Johnson Confirms the $96 Billion Israel-Taiwan-Ukraine Aid Bill Will Get a Vote Very Soon

$96 Billion Ukraine-Israel Assistance Bill Clears Major Senate Hurdle

Ukraine-Israel Aid Package Clears the Senate and Heads to the House

House Speaker Mike Johnson Effectively Kills Senate Supplemental Ukraine Aid Bill 

Mike Johnson Holds the Line As GOP Senators Pressure Him to Bring Ukraine Bill to the House Floor

Speaker Johnson Tells Colleagues He'll Allow a Vote on the Ukraine Aid Bill in April

The vote was not without drama. Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has vowed to try to remove Speaker Mike Johnson if the foreign aid bills pass. Senator Mike Lee and five other Republican senators signed a letter to House GOP members demanding they vote against the bill.


This may not have had the intended effect...it didn't when JD Vance did the same earlier this week.

Senator J.D. Vance Offers Unusual Advice to House GOP Related to Ukraine Bill

The Freedom Caucus made no secret of its displeasure.

The bill moves to a vote on Saturday.