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FedGov to Spend $700K Reminding Girls Who 'Identify' as Boys That They Can Still Get Pregnant

Just when you thought the Biden administration couldn't get any more ridiculous, now the Department of Health and Human Services, part of the executive branch and therefore under administration control, has announced they will spend $700,000 reminding 14-year-old girls who "identify as boys" that they are still, well, girls.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is awarding nearly $700,000 taxpayer dollars to back pregnancy prevention programs for young girls who identify as boys, warning that “heteronormative” sexual education is inadequate.

The $698,736 grant, which began in September 2023 and will continue until June 2027, according to government disclosures, will be allocated to the Center for Innovative Public Health Research, a non-profit that seeks to create “an inclusive teen pregnancy program for transgender boys.”

This is well to the left of ridiculous. The goal of teen pregnancy programs is, presumably, to teach teens how pregnancy happens, and that process is the same no matter which participating young person "identifies" as the boy, the girl, the five-spirit nonbinary googolplex, or whatever. Pregnancy is achieved when a sperm meets an egg and that egg implants in a uterus; and that's the only way that can happen. 

These are facts.

So why is HHS wasting taxpayer money on this? Money from taxpayers of a nation that is already facing $34 trillion in debt? Why won't the regular programs work, since we already have them? Of course, we can make a very good case for the schools not being involved in this at all, as these matters are more properly handled by parents. I can still remember the awkward look on the Old Man's face when he gave me "the talk." It was, I think, the only time I saw him embarrassed. But we got through it. And most kids who grew up around farms had these matters mostly sussed out by the time they were about ten years old.

The fact is, though, that the schools are involved; and now, they seem to be involved in spreading bunkum.

“Youth who are assigned female at birth … are at risk for negative sexual health outcomes yet are effectively excluded from sexual health programs because gender-diverse youth do not experience the cisgender, heteronormative teen sexual education messaging available to them as salient or applicable,” the award description claims.

“Data suggest that AFAB [assigned female at birth] trans-identified youth may be less likely to use condoms when having sex with people who have penises and are at least as likely as cisgender girls to be pregnant,” it goes on to say before adding that the “health inequity must be addressed.”

There's so much pseudoscientific woo in that statement that it's hard to address it all. But honestly, if these kids can't understand a simple message like "here is where the sperm come from, here is where eggs are, and if you want to avoid pregnancy, never the twain shall meet," then they need far more help than being reminded to use condoms, and honestly, we don't want them breeding anyway. But it is belaboring the obvious to point out that the program that simply states, "If you have a penis, put a condom on it," will work regardless.

But wait!  There's more!

But the award for nearly $700,000 taxpayer dollars is not the only action that the HHS has taken to push transgenderism. The Daily Wire previously revealed that the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a subagency of the HHS, funded a study on the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatment to the tune of $3 million despite transgender children’s hospitals admitting that the practice could result in permanent sterilization.

$3 million, when set against the federal budget, may not seem like all that much, but the amount isn't the point; the fact that HHS is spending even a red cent of taxpayers' money — money taken away from the productive of this nation, taken by threat of force (yes, really; try not paying your taxes for a while and see how long it takes for the government to send men with guns out looking for you) to spend on what any honest physician or biologist should already be able to tell you: Administering life-altering and quite likely harmful treatments to children is a bad idea. 

These are facts.

There is government waste, and then there is government waste, and this is all of that in spades.

Those who are pushing this agenda, an agenda that has plenty of the rest of us baffled, aren't about to stop. What's needed is a Congress that will defund this (along with the trillions in other wasteful spending) and a president who will clamp down on the nutbars in HHS.

My wife's late grandmother, a lady who outlived five husbands, raised two kids as a single mom in the '50s, and described herself as a "tough old broad" (she sure was), used to have a surefire method of preventing pregnancy: "Take two aspirin - and hold them between your knees." And sure, too much of the time, when kids are gonna, they're gonna — I should know, I was fourteen when my buddy's second cousin (who was most emphatically a girl) took me out behind the barn — but the basics of how to prevent pregnancy work every time, no matter who is "identifying" as what.

These are facts.