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Biden Makes Shocking Comment on Ukraine, Border; Gets Nailed on Fib; Runs Away

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden said some shocking things on Wednesday, not the least of which was he again called the fact that he interacted with his son's business associates "lies." 

Biden also spoke at the White House Tribal Nations Summit. Biden being Biden, he tried to pander to the Native Americans saying he wanted to play lacrosse (a sport invented by Native Americans). Among the things he said was that he wanted to play lacrosse, but it was the same season as football so he couldn't. But as we noted, those sports don't run in the same season. But there was another problem with Biden's claim—they didn't have lacrosse at his high school until 1993. 

So what is he saying here? Again something that sounds like a Biden tale that isn't possible. 

He also spoke about Ukraine and the border during remarks at the White House. This is shocking what he says, but liberal media will ignore that he said it and what it means. 

says Republicans trying to hold up funding for Ukraine until he does something to secure our border is holding Ukrainian funding hostage "with their extreme, partisan border policies." 

Yes, how dare they want to secure the border that Biden has broken wide open? The nerve of those nasty Republicans, doing their job to protect the country! For shame! 

But this truly reveals his priority: funding for his buddies in Ukraine. If he cared about the border he would have taken action long ago. But the only action he's taken was to destroy the successful policies that his predecessor put in place and make everything worse. That's why it's such a mess now, and it's all on him. As one African illegal alien put it succinctly after he'd successfully crossed the border, "I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!"

Biden said that we had to fund Ukraine because if we didn't do it now, we'd end up fighting the Russians because they weren't going to stop with Ukraine. By that token, he'd have us funding people all over the region without end because of the possibility that the Russians might go beyond Ukraine. 

Listen to the video on the Reuters site, at the end where he says, "We can't let Putin win. Say it again. We can't let Putin win." He's clearly reading a Teleprompter, and it sounds like he read the teleprompter direction as he has done in the past because half the time he has no idea what he is reading. The White House transcript appears to cover it up, saying he added an "I'll" that was not there

We can’t let Putin win. I’ll say it again: We can’t let Putin win. It’s in our overwhelming national interest and international interest of all our friends.

Gaffes, fibs, and failure to focus on the security of America. On top of the incoherence. 

Why would anyone vote for this guy in 2024?

Joe Biden Freaks Out When Asked About Payments 
He Received From Hunter Biden, Shuts Down Presser

Joe Biden spoke to the press for the first time since the revelation that he received direct payments from one of his son's shady businesses. That news broke in the face of the president's repeated denials over the years claiming that he had zero connections to Hunter Biden's dealings. 

When faced with the glaring contradiction, Joe Biden freaked out, doubling down and storming out of the press conference.

The problem with being senile is that it gets in the way of being a good liar. It has been proven through numerous pieces of evidence that Joe Biden met directly with his son's business associates. In one case, a Russian oligarch was even granted dinner with the then-vice president after she paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million. 

There is also direct testimony, including from Devon Archer, showing that Joe Biden would routinely end up on the phone during his son's business meetings. Other times, Hunter Biden would be with a client and his father would just so happen to call in to talk about "the weather." On that front, the most recent report shows that the now-president had 327 different such encounters.  As many have speculated, it appears the real goal was to show that Joe Biden was involved and that the influence-peddling operation was sound.

Long story short, it is not a "bunch of lies" to say that Joe Biden interacted with his son's business partners. We know he did, and the fact that he continues to blatantly lie about it is astonishing. It's so astonishing that even CNN did a report exposing it earlier in the year.

I'm hesitant to say the walls are closing in because Democrats have a political plot armor, but it's undeniable that things are getting bad for Joe Biden. He can't just keep shutting down questions on this without inviting a backlash from even those in the press who are predisposed to defend him. Further complicating his situation is that there are many Democrats who do not want him to be the nominee in 2024. Every piece of bad news provides fodder for those trying to force him out. 

I think most Democrats realize that this is only going to get worse as more and more is uncovered. To ride with Biden in 2024 is to invite very bad odds of winning the presidency. I expect the internal drama to get much worse in the near term.