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War Tourism

Will Lookie-Loo politicians please stop 
flying overseas for war zone photo ops?

On Wednesday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul posted a picture on X showing her walking off the plane after arriving in Tel Aviv with her face screwed up into a stern, serious look.

Governor Ratched explained that she flew to Israel because “New York and Israel share a special bond,” and she wanted to “show our solidarity with the Israeli people” after the October 7 terror attacks by Hamas.

Why in Lucifer’s reach do politicians insist on traveling overseas to show “solidarity” with an American ally currently fighting for its survival?

Has Kathy never heard of telephones?

She could have easily expressed her “solidarity with the Israeli people” through the miracle of telephonics.

But no! She has to board a plane and fly there because ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, war tourism has been all the rage among American politicians.

Nothing beats getting photographed posing with Zelensky or Netanyahu if you want to boost your public profile back home.

If you go to Kathy’s official X account, you will find oodles of pictures of her tour of a country at war because getting oodles of photographs is the whole point of this performative nonsense.

Kathy’s war tourism is nothing more than a giant photo op.

There is not a single thing she managed to do during her visit that she couldn’t have accomplished over the phone.

But Kathy isn’t the only Democrat governor flying off for a little war tourism.

Thursday evening, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that he was “on my way to Israel” to meet with “those impacted by the horrific terrorist attack” and offer “California’s support.”

Florida is shipping supplies to Israel while flying stranded Americans back home — all without Governor Ron DeSantis boarding a plane with a photographer and flying to Tel Aviv.

And that right there is the difference between attention-seeking and seeking results.

Newsom and Hochul aren’t flying to Israel to accomplish anything they couldn’t do over the phone. They’re doing it to preen before cameras to pose as proactive leaders when in reality, they’re opportunistic Lookie-Loos.

War tourism is the political version of stolen valor.

Politicians want to be photographed beside Netanyahu or Zelensky in hopes that by doing so, some of the bravery and gravitas that comes with being the leader of a country at war will rub off on them.

This is why Kathy was sure to get loads of pictures showing her in a flak jacket touring the kibbutz where so many Israelis were brutally massacred.

Sure, it’s craven and opportunistic, but that’s how most American politicians are.

As she was flying to Israel in her quest for valor by proxy, Kathy learned that her father died suddenly, and, plucky war tourist that she is, she found a way to work his death into her shameless self-promotion.

Kathy was sure to get photographed weeping at the Western Wall in Jerusalem as she left a written prayer for her father between the stones …

… and even had the photographer come along when she staged a “private” prayer at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Gak. I’m sorry, but it’s all so obscene.

When I learned of my mother’s death on July 31, finding someone to snap a picture of me sobbing in my living room never even entered my mind.

Whenever I think I couldn’t possibly despise Kathy Hochul more, she proves me wrong.

Israeli officials have more important things to do right now. They shouldn’t have to waste their time playing tour guide to attention-seeking politicians desperate to stage a war zone photo op.

Sweet merciful Zeus, stop getting underfoot where you aren’t needed.

And next time you want to show your “solidarity,” just pick up the bloody phone!