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Team DeSantis and Team Haley Pitch Themselves to the Never Trump Billionaires During Donor Strategy Meeting in Texas

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says he can beat Trump 😂….  Nikki Haley says, no, DeSantis is a diminishing meatball now; only her neocon curriculum vitae is strong enough to go against Godzilla Trump.  Team DeSantis scoffs… Team Haley sneers….  Can you imagine being a billionaire stupid enough to subject themselves to this nonsense?

The R.A.T coalition (Republicans Against Trump) is so desperate, they held a strategy session with DeSantis and Haley to decide which one of them would carry the banner of most approved & purchased candidate.   And the candidates each thought this was a good thing.  😂🤣😂 I just do not understand this level of goofy dissonance.

(TEXAS) – Top officials with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign made the case to a gathering of top donors opposed to Donald Trump on Friday that rival GOP candidate Nikki Haley could not defeat the former president in a head-to-head matchup.

[…] In another presentation made to the same group, Haley’s team argued the opposite. DeSantis’ campaign had flatlined, they insisted, pointing to data that showed that the former UN ambassador was ascendent and, therefore, the logical choice for the anti-Trump crowd.

Haley’s team, according to a person familiar with the arguments they made, pointed to public and private polling that showed her ahead of DeSantis in key early voting states. They also noted that Haley’s campaign has more cash on hand than DeSantis, who is leaning heavily on an allied super PAC to pick up much of the tab.

“By every metric,” the person said, “Nikki is moving up and Ron is moving down. It IS a two-person race: one man and one woman.”

The dueling presentations were delivered to a major Republican donor network gathering that includes hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer and investor Ken Griffin, two of the biggest contributors in the party. It was delivered amid growing concern in some quarters of the party that a Trump nomination is quickly becoming inevitable.

Real estate developer Harlan Crow organized the conference in Dallas with an eye toward helping consolidate the field of Republican candidates. Many anti-Trump donors have been eager to winnow down the race to a one-on-one contest with Trump, who is leading in the polls against a splintered field. (read more)

In the best-case scenario, together these two knuckleheads have maybe 20% support.

So, the billionaires are meeting with the hopeless losers and deciding which loser should get the majority of their financial support?   Think about the stupidity of that!

These rich people, together with the RNC and RGA, are trying to cling to the figment of something that no longer exists.

They are totally detached from the reality that surrounds them.