The deep state mask slipping continues in 2023 as the controlled Fox News punditry showcase their alignment with the neocon war agenda.   This one is another remarkable reveal.

Sean Hannity, the perpetual interrupter, totally loses his cool in an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy and starts defending the agenda of defense contractors.  It is a remarkable level of sunlight upon the controlled Fox News host who succumbed to the black-ops file involving his zipper problems (see Ainsley Earhardt).  Now divorced, and under substantial financial pressure, Murdoch et al have Hannity right where they want him.

Hannity attacks Ramaswamy for the candidate’s position on government contractors funding SuperPACS, then goes into a diatribe about how only deep state government defense and intelligence officials can manage our national political priorities.  Dropping the remnants of his mask, Hannity finishes the interview extolling the virtues of the military industrial complex, and saying only career politicians are qualified to be President. WATCH (2 mins):