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X22, On the Fringe, and more- June 1st


For everyone who visits this thread who is a completely normal human being who is not a brainwashed, confused bonehead who is completely convinced that he or she can only be in a pretend marriage filled with nothing but sin and lust with someone of his or her own gender and thinks every normal person must agree with their pretend marriage,

I salute you all, Every single one of you. Because you refuse to be brainwashed into believing that a so called 'MARRIAGE' that is nothing more then 1 sexual act after another with no chance of having real babies is a healthy, or normal thing!! You believe in a normal marriage with someone of the opposite gender, a marriage filled with love, decency, and the chance of having a REAL family!! That is extremely important now more then ever!

We need more normal people like all of you to tell these freaks that what they are doing is NOT healthy and NOT beneficial in the long run to society! We need more responsible and SMART women to marry men for love, and to have families that they can raise with love, and we need more responsible and SMART men to marry women for love and to have families that they can love!

And this, is as good of a post for the 1st day of 'Normal and UnBrainwashed People are better then the freaks abusing our beautiful rainbow' month as it gets!

This month, let's all celebrate being NORMAL, and NOT, A, FREAK!!!! 💪💪🎉

Love is not perversion, or intentional public nudity, or calling everyone who knows better then to support your sinful lifestyle homophobes! REAL love, ACTUAL, HEALTHY love, like the kind of love a man and a woman who deeply love each other, is the most powerful and beautiful feeling in the world. Nothing can ever replace that.

Thinking that you can only 'love' someone of your own gender, or thinking you were 'born that way', that's not actual love. That's stupidity, and a sign you only want to be in a relationship for unlimited sex with no intention of ever having a baby.