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Republicans 2024

A person who was a teenager when Obamacare was debated and passed is now around 30 years old.  Put another way, if you were 15 years old when We The People defeated Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley with Scott Brown and took the Kennedy senate seat, you are about to turn 30.  Think about the context of modern Republican politics and time.

This context reminds us that a large portion of the generally distracted population has no foundational understanding of modern Republican politics.

This context is also the baseline behind ‘battered conservative syndrome‘.

You will never, not ever, see a professional Republican politician attack a Democrat with the same level of vitriol, hatred, bitterness and anger as they do toward their own base voter.

The Democrat party fears their base; the Republican party despises their base.  The truth of this very visible reality will never change. Professional Republican politicians are not ideologues to principle or policy; they are interested in one thing, money.  That’s it.

If you peel the core of any issue involving conflict with the Republican Party, you will find money at the center of it.  Current Democrat politicians focus on advancing an ideological agenda; they swing for the fences in an effort to maximize control and power.  Current Republican politicians are focused, to the detriment of all other facets, on their personal wealth.

When you introduce a newly elected ‘conservative‘ to the DC world of republicanism, it is like sending a new guy/gal into the room to talk policy, only to be met with every face around the table staring back quizzically and dismissively while replying, “We don’t do that here – we are talking about money.”

Once you reset the Schoolhouse Rocks mindset and accept this is the truth of the thing, then everything else that puzzled you about Republican politics reconciles.

Ballot harvesting doesn’t generate money, so why do it?  We can make just as much money in the minority railing against ‘them’, so why be focused on a majority?  Donald Trump is threatening the financial position of our benefactors, so we hate him.  These are the simple truths of modern Republicans.

This is also the context to look at the institutions of professional Republican politics (RNC, RGA, NRSCC, etc) as well as the politicians who operate inside the business of professional republicanism.   Defending the trough is the goal – nothing is more important.  Removing any threat to the billionaires and multinationals who feed the trough, is a priority.  If defending the money means eliminating a pesky conservative thinker, so be it – destroy them.  That’s where the bitterness and anger come from.

If we do not accept this reality, we are doomed to repeat the cycle of abuse.

We can never make a professional Republican a perfect sandwich that will stop him/her from abusing us. Quit trying.

With this in mind, and understanding the nature of our corrupt two-party system controlled by two private corporations, the DNC and RNC, Donald Trump selected the RNC as the best available option to bring a new set of economic priorities back to the forefront.

Making America Great Again is a threat to modern republicanism, because MAGA has a core America-First economic agenda that runs counter to the priorities of the Republican party. {Go Deep}

Every professional Republican politician who enters the 2024 race for the Republican nomination is working toward this goal.  None of them are working on any other goal.  The removal of MAGA from mechanics of the Republican Party is their mission priority.  There is no other higher priority, including election outcomes.

Monmouth has a new poll released yesterday [article here – data pdf here] that was taken just before and during the time Ron DeSantis launched his candidacy.

When you look at the results, you can see why the people managing the Florida governor pulled the trigger a little earlier than anticipated.

DeSantis was scheduled in a very clear and strategic roadmap to launch as the ‘last’ candidate in the 2024 race.  However, despite his national politicking and “book tour”, his support was dropping every week.  They couldn’t wait any longer out of fear the principal would lose all support and the 2024 effort would be useless before they even got out of the gate.

The background managers pushed DeSantis into the race, and now we will see the last set of professional Republicans follow.  Each candidate will have a role and responsibility on behalf of the party.

Chris Christie and Nikki Haley will team up to play the lead role in the party attack against Donald Trump.

Notice how we are not seeing any post-DeSantis announcement polling?   Ron DeSantis launched on May 23rd and May 24th.  Sometimes it is the absence of the thing that tells you a lot about the substance of the thing.

[Monmouth Article Here]

Why would a candidate at 1%, 2%, 3% etc., stay or even launch into the race?  Stop pretending.  They do not have any chance of winning and they are not in the race to win.  They are in the race to defend the interests of the professional Republican apparatus.

They are in the race to destroy MAGA and the American First agenda.

Yet pundits and battered conservatives demand the non-pretending people stop talking about the truth of it and maintain their illusion.

It is all nonsense.

Battered Conservative No More!