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Christian Patriot News and Badlands Media- June 3rd


In light of the stupidity that took place yesterday, here's another friendly PSA:

If you're a fan of someone famous because you know that that person is very sweet, and you find out that person does something in his or her private life that 100% goes against your moral and religious beliefs, you do not have to accept their lifestyle choices or only look at that person and only see someone who does stuff behind closed doors that you know is wrong. Loving that person for reasons that have nothing to do with that lifestyle is perfectly okay, and it's also okay to ignore what that person does behind closed doors if it's technically none of your business. It doesn't make you any less of a fan for choosing to see that person as someone else beyond that lifestyle choice.

Anyone who tries to tell you that you have to accept their lifestyle choices when you know it's wrong, is a complete asshole and bully. There is nothing wrong with seeing confused individuals as straight people, because God intended us to fall in love with our opposite gender and NOT with someone of the same gender!!!