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Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Cancels Again – Pushes Trump Grand Jury Into Next Week

No one knows for sure what the current issues are around the corrupt political case that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is trying to assemble.  However, given all the preparations that are known to have taken place this week, and given the overtime paid to police in order to staff security in/around the Manhattan courthouse this week, something big has shifted and delayed the entire fiasco.

On Thursday morning, CNN was first to report that Alvin Bragg had once against cancelled the grand jury review of the case he was been building against Donald Trump.  The grand jury did hear other evidence in unrelated cases, but the case presumably pushing toward a Trump indictment was pushed into next week.   President Trump responded to yet another delay via Truth Social:

CNN – The Manhattan grand jury investigating Trump’s alleged role in a scheme to pay hush money to an adult film star will not hear that case when it convenes today, according to two sources familiar with the matter, pushing the Manhattan’s district attorney’s probe into next week. After today, the Manhattan grand jury will next convene on Monday, when it is possible they could hear additional testimony from a witness.

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is trying to determine whether to call back Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, to refute the testimony provided earlier this week by lawyer Robert Costello —or to call an additional witness to buttress their case before the grand jurors consider a vote on whether to indict the former president, the source familiar with the investigation said. (read more)

It is entirely possible that Alvin Bragg has lost the case inside the grand jury of 23 people, and there is now reluctance to continue the effort.  However, when the scale of the politicization is overlaid against the issue, there doesn’t seem to be a way for DA Bragg to back down and not come under fire from the ideologues in Lawfare that have been advising him.

The only thing we know with certainty is that the case is a hot mess of nonsense.