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Democrats Blow Their Tops Over New Parental Bill of Rights

Democrats Blow Their Tops Over New Parental Bill of Rights

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives recently forwarded a national “parental bill of rights,” and it’s causing quite a stir on the left.

On Thursday, the floor debates on the measure began, and Democrats blew their tops in expectably hysterical ways. After all, who knows better how to raise a child than a childless woman in her mid-30s like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

It’s just incredible how little respect Democrats have for basic rights, of which a parent’s right to know what a child is doing is obviously one. Like it or not, kids have legal guardians under American law, and for good reason. That guardian is charged with protecting their children, and they are entitled to know whether a school is “transitioning” a student or even affirming claims of transgenderism. Parents are also entitled to know about their child’s sexuality.

The idea that administrators and teachers should be able to keep stuff like that secret from parents is despicable and dangerous. That’s exactly how many cases of abuse begin, with a student confiding in someone who is not their parent, and no school should be keeping parents in the dark over such serious issues.

Besides, a child does not have the mental capacity to change their gender (nor can anyone else do so because it’s a farcical, anti-biological notion). Any child that wants to transition is clearly suffering from mental illness, and that is the last thing that should be kept from a concerned parent.

Another completely unqualified Democrat, 26-year-old Rep. Maxwell Frost, echoed Ocasio-Cortez’s rant, claiming that students will die if parents are kept abreast of what they are doing.

Understand what is being said there. Frost is claiming that parents should not have rights because they might seek to influence their children’s decisions and instill their values. It is not “bigotry” for a parent to stop their child from falling into the grotesquely harmful ideology that is transgenderism. Rather, it is an act of love and care. It is an act of protection and a worthy one.

As to the claim that students will die, that’s simply hyperbolic nonsense. There is no evidence that children commit suicide at higher rates if they aren’t secretly affirmed in their delusions by creepy adults who don’t know their place.

Parents are parents, and it’s a testament to how insane the Democrat Party has become that they find themselves on the opposite side of guaranteeing parental rights in the face of government organizations like schools. Is there any act of tyranny these people won’t endorse? That’s rhetorical at this point because we know the answer.