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Tucker Carlson And His Spin The Tale On The Chickens

 Sunlit7 op

Tucker Carlson at it again spinning lies, a couple weeks ago he was telling the world that Jordan Walker, the man seen in the Project Veritas supposed undercover sting was third in line at the top of Pfizer when the truth actually prevailed he was a business contractor with an office at Pfizer but didn't actually work for Pfizer. The closer truth to that, which is still speculative, is that he was under the supervision or worked in the division under the third in line at Pfizer. But PV knew that already as seen in the video when the "supposed" date Walker was on with asked him if his information was coming from Sarah Wu, your executive.

What's being seen up with Tucker of recent? Chicken eggs and a supposed shortage thereof. Many have pointed out there isn't a shortage of eggs just a lot of eggs out there that are costly. Tucker doesn't go to his what he terms his "chicken whisperer" Tiara Soleim, whose made several appearances on his show about chickens to ask if she is experiencing a lack of her hens laying chickens he shows a clip off tiktok of someone claiming their hens haven't been producing eggs. He than lays claim that it isn't just one farmer but chicken farmers all across the country, not of them but a lot, than he plays the tiktok video.

"Now healthy hens lay eggs on a regular basis, every 24 to 26 hours. But suddenly, chicken owners all over the country – not all of them, but a lot of them – are reporting they're not getting any eggs or as many. So what's causing that? Clearly, something is causing that. Some have concluded their chicken feed may be responsible."

"And so instead of going to the usual sources at the AG Department or calling the White House press office, we decided to listen to people who actually have chickens. And that one, for example, the lady you just saw, says she switched her chicken feed and it solved the problem. Her chickens began laying eggs once again immediately."> 

When he said immediately that should have been enough to send out a heads up. I called someone out on it in a blog the other day when he said he changed his feed and the very next day his chickens were laying eggs. I told him you had me there for a few minutes until you made the next day claim. If he'd said three, four days later, maybe a week it would have been more believable. Everyone knows it takes time to clear away something bad in your system, it just doesn't happen overnight. That's why of the half dozen videos put out there on social media of chicken not laying eggs only one story was believable in that regard and that was the guy who said within six, seven days his chickens started producing again.

Considering these individuals on social media releasing these videos are miniscule in the overall picture of our national egg supply Tucker added some more falsehoods to the feeding frenzy of the Q Anons by mentioning, once again, other falsehoods that has spread across social media. For instance food production facilities that were hit by airplanes, which wasn't true, there were two plane crashes nearby but not directly into the food facilities themselves, a potato plant fire and a recent fire at a factory last month that involved an estimated one hundred thousand chicken deaths.

"But some days you do wonder. On Saturday, an enormous commercial egg farm in central Connecticut burned to the ground for no obvious reason. Huge fire. At least 20 fire departments responded, fought the blaze for over 8 hours. More than 100,000 chickens died."

"Now, that's a sad story. But what's interesting is that most media companies did not consider it a story at all. Weird, considering egg prices have become an actual problem for most Americans. Egg prices are up more than 100% in many places. And yet at that exact moment, when eggs are a concern, 100,000 chickens die in a freak fire. And The New York Times, which is right next door in a neighboring state, does not even cover the fire. What is that? Don't worry. "Things like this have nothing to do with egg prices, say the media. It's just avian flu."

"So if you ask the Agriculture Department, for example, or anyone in the Biden administration, to the extent they're paying attention, which is not much, they'll tell you that egg prices are high because avian flu. And that's a completely natural virus, just like COVID. The prices have nothing to do with chicken farms burning down. Again, not that anyone in the government tracks that kind of thing. Why would they? Because nothing like that could ever happen. Settle down, QAnon. And a lot of people, particularly the national news media, people who could not identify a chicken if it didn't come with dipping sauce, are satisfied with that explanation."

It's false the government doesn't track our food supply, they very much do so. You can find out exactly how much is grown of anything in this country, produced in this country, raised in this country, is exported out of this country, the cost figures attached to those activities, and the losses to those activities due to crop failures, disasters and production losses. That's how I found out that there are over five thousand different types of malfunctions that causes disturbances in the manufacturing processes, it could be anything from fires, bacterial contaminations or burst pipe. You can also find out that with over forty five thousand food manufacturing plants spread across the nation five thousand mishaps, which some are minimal with many not disrupting the entire operation, are a minute factor in our overall ability to supply adequate food supplies in the country.

Tucker isn't going to tell you all that, nor is he going to the AG site to check out the stats on. He'd found it's less than minuscule on the backyard hens and minuscule of a major producer burning down would have on had on our egg supply. The same minuscule when I looked into his propaganda a few months ago on factory fires and planes hitting them.

A spokesperson for the state’s Department of Agriculture confirms that approximately 100,000 egg-laying hens were killed. While some may wonder if this could impact egg prices, they say no.

“There are more than 372 million egg-laying hens in the United States. The anticipated potential impact on egg prices due to this incident is minimal to none currently,” according to a Department of Agriculture spokesperson. 

With three hundred and twenty six million people in the country that's one egg a day for every man, woman and child that exist on a daily basis with forty six million eggs left over. The next day, if all those hens lay one egg a day the process starts over for all three hundred and sixty five days in the year. If the backyard farmers hens never laid another egg in their lifetime it would have zero effect on the nations egg supply. If it took them a year to rebuild that chicken plant it also would have zero effect on our nations egg supply. When he says minimal to none he means minimal if they are being produced for retail to none if they are possibly, they'll never tell you this, one of a number of egg producers who produce exclusively for the government under contract for vaccines. Those producers are those who are held as non disclosure in the interest of national security. It is also those producers whom produce eggs from young hens, five to six months, some sooner as that's when they have the highest level of lgY in their eggs. So now we could go out a year and a half with getting that plant back up and operating and still it'd have minimal effect on the nations food supply. So why would Tucker mislead you like that? It's two fold with one aspect found in his closing and in the closing of a subsequent interview he did on that:

"We don't think that's the last word. Again, we can't tell you for certain either way. But we do know and here's really the point, that America's food supply is one of those topics is worth being a little paranoid about. This is not a matter of how many trans Pacific Islander oboists we've got. This is a matter of national survival – of food. The question on which empires rise and fall."


"So are we being a little paranoid about thee American food supply? Yes we are and we are proud of it and our leaders should be even more paranoid about our food supply, always about our food supply. Food, energy, water, the rest of it is noise, and of course they're ignoring what really matters."

Here, once again and I argued this point in my op on the Project Veritas video, and to a greater degree in my Giving Them What They Want opinion piece, is a contra operation to gain public trust while undermining those same individuals. This time though it was inclusive of an institution that is a supporting mechanism within the nationalist empire they want to fall. That being a focus upon a major supplier of a trusted brand name company across rural America whose motto is "For Life Out Here", The Tractor Supply Company. Tractor Supply Company is a publicly listed company with thirteen billion dollars in annual revenue, has forty six thousand employees with over two thousand locations in forty nine states who businesses are geared toward rural America. That's a whole lot of material support for the red blooded Americans. Whom by throwing Q Anon into the mix of the conversation was an attempt at branding the whole of rural Americans as low IQ individuals. With Purina's name splashed in huge letters across his screen Tucker went on to remind American's that recently, recently evidently being three years ago, one of Purina's products was recalled due to contamination that caused some cow's death in Florida. The farmers appeared way less worried about the cows as Tucker has with non laying hens. The farmers were quoted in the article as saying when the test come back if it was the feed they'll make it right with us. Cows die all the time by the hands of farmers, it's not like they're kept as family pets, as long as their compensated it's just the death were caused out of the ordinary. He can't express enough the importance of our leaders to express paranoia over our food supply. For as long as you can keep the populace stressed about food, energy and water their ignoring what really matters, like the take down of a entrenched nationalist company.

Links to information in article can be found in the original posting here:
