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Trans Activists Stage Capitol Insurrection, Yet Corporate Media Are Completely Silent

WATCH: Trans Activists Storm Oklahoma Capitol Because Mutilating Kids Is Just That Important to Them

Remember when storming and occupying a government capitol was considered an insurrection? Apparently it’s permissible as long as you’re protesting a cause backed by the leftist establishment. That’s what happened in Oklahoma on Monday.

Yesterday, a mob of trans activists stormed and occupied the Oklahoma state capitol to protest legislation that would prohibit sterilizing and mutilating children. The bill — known as the Millstone Act — would “prohibit Oklahoma doctors from providing gender transition procedures or referral services relating to such procedures to anyone under the age of 26.”

“Child abuse is a felony in our state and mutilating a young person’s genitalia should be viewed no differently. The Millstone Act will hold those who perform child mutilation accountable by making such activity a felony. Those guilty of such a heinous crime will be both legally and financially liable,” bill sponsor and state Sen. David Bullard said in a press release.

State legislators were expected to consider the act on Monday. Yet transgender activists stormed in and blocked a government proceeding.

To protest the clear intention of the bill to protect children from irreversible medical procedures, hundreds of trans activists occupied the Oklahoma Capitol to disrupt legislative proceedings on the bill, shouting “Trans Lives Matter” in unison at one point.

They were allowed to do so. No one was shot. No one was arrested or sentenced to several years in prison over “obstruction of official proceeding.” And not a peep was heard from corporate media about this occupation of the Oklahoma state capitol. You can bet there will be no federal investigation that jails everyone who was near the occupiers until they’re maybe proven innocent in a court of law.

The point here is that there are double standards for protesting in America. There are the establishment-backed, leftist-affirming protests (that many times turn violent with no recourse) and there are protests that attack that establishment. Establishment-backed protestors can do whatever they want.

Case-in-point: during the height of the Covid-19 lockdowns, although anti-lockdown protestors were fined and jailed, hospital lobbying groups said protests attracting thousands of Black Lives Matter supporters in the wake of George Floyd’s death were OK because racism was a public health crisis, too.

And then there are the protests the establishment does not like, against the establishment itself. These are wiped out or used to control the populace through message manipulation and intimidation. As columnist Auron MacIntyre put it, “protests that actually challenge power get crushed.”

But because trans-activist protestors spout leftist orthodoxy, they can get away with doing what the left calls an “insurrection” when regime opponents do it, and will be treated with kid gloves. Such protests the establishment will allow to continue unencumbered — even if they turn violent. But woe to protestors who actually attack establishment power.

Trans Activists Storm Oklahoma Capitol Because 
Mutilating Kids Is Just That Important to Them

I’ve got some news. Storming government buildings is good again, at least if you are a purple-haired trans activist stumping for the cultivation of children.

The scene happened on Monday in Oklahoma after a large group of “Trans Lives Matter” protesters occupied the state’s Capitol Building. Videos of the incident went viral, showing the chanting horde demanding that lawmakers not do things like mandate schools notify parents when children “transition” their gender.

There are times when all I can do is laugh at the absurdity of what our society has become. This is one of those times.

Look at the people in those videos and ask yourself whether their outrage is genuine or whether they got caught up in a social contagion while desperately looking for affirmation and acceptance they didn’t previously receive. Perhaps that’s a commentary on the failures of families and the unkindness of the world. Still, the answer is not to farcically “change” genders and push for the mutilation of children in order to make yourself better about your deranged life choices.

It’s one thing for adults to mess up their lives. There might be room for some sympathy if that were all this is, but the game changes when those same adults organize against something as simple as notifying a parent if their child starts saying they are the opposite sex (or any number of other non-existent trans classifications). These are no longer just misguided individuals. They are perpetrating an ideology that says young girls should chop off their breasts and that boys should chemically castrate themselves in order to be their “true” selves. There’s no room to leave the gloves on in that kind of battle.

Can we also talk about the hypocrisy here? The majority of people arrested on January 6th did not fight the police. They did not even damage any property. Rather, their “crime” was trespassing, and that includes many who never even entered the actual Capitol Building. Yet, the left has insisted every single prosecution related to January 6th, no matter how petty, is righteous.

Apparently, that standard goes out the window the moment trans activists take over a Capitol Building in Oklahoma, though. You aren’t allowed to call it an insurrection despite the intent of this protest being to disrupt the legislative proceedings going on inside the chamber. There are many other examples over the years as well, from the occupying of the Senate office building during the Kavanaugh hearings to Democrats forcing their way into the Wisconsin Capitol Building during Scott Walker’s tenure. The left would have no standards if it didn’t have double standards.