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Forget the Balloon. We’re Are Already At War with China

From COVID to corrupt deals with presidents, 
China is already here. 

Two days after Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech, the House of Representatives just passed a unanimous resolution condemning China for the spy balloon. Who cares? Nothing Biden said in that speech matters. The Chinese spy balloon doesn’t matter. These are trivial matters compared to war, and we are at war. China is waging war upon us but so far we have chosen not to recognize it. 

Biological Warfare

China sent people here infected with the Wuhan virus—called COVID-19 at China’s insistence—while China locked down the entire Hubei province. That was a biological attack on the United States. Whatever the origin of the virus, China’s government knew they had a lethal, virulent infection, but they sent sick people as vectors to carry the disease worldwide.  

The virus killed a million Americans and destroyed our economy. It severely weakened our educational system, our national unity, and our tolerance for risk. It turned Americans against one another by weaponizing fear. It caused a breakdown of civil society.  

We were no longer allowed to meet for church, school, social clubs, or any of the millions of social interactions that unite us. We were not even allowed to visit family members, or to be with loved ones as they died. Communist China did that to us, destroying more of American society than any war in our history. And we did nothing. 


Fentanyl is an attack on the very center of our cities, towns, and families. Drug overdoses killed more than 107,000 Americans last year, twice as many as died during the entire Vietnam War. The sheer potency of the drug is so fearsome that just a couple of grains are sufficient to kill a human. Police and EMTs must carry Narcan, a drug that counteracts the fentanyl and other opioid overdoses they encounter daily.  

The chemical precursors for fentanyl and its analogues are manufactured in China and sent to the drug cartels in Mexico and Latin America that make and distribute it in America. Illegal drug addiction is a war that kills and disables the very population that is of age to join the military. If it has not touched your extended family yet, bless your good fortune, but know that it will. And yet we do nothing. 


TikTok is a cyberattack on America and the West. The data-gathering is a difference in kind, not in degree, from that done by Google, Facebook, and other programs. There is no attempt to anonymize data collection. The primary purpose of the app is to introduce electronic eavesdropping into every device that hosts it.  

TikTok is aimed at constantly distracting our kids. It encourages them to try dangerous, sometimes life-threatening stunts. The algorithms are designed to make them more cynical and disassociated from family, study, and the essence of our history and culture. If you think that is accidental, consider the uses of TikTok inside China. 

In China, TikTok teaches science, promotes mathematical games, encourages knowledge of history and culture, and encourages good citizenship. Different content, different algorithms. TikTok is a branch of China’s war on American society. Again, it is aimed at the youth who should be preparing to become the leaders of the next generation, and who are or soon will be of military age. And still we do nothing. 

Attacking Energy Independence

American groups affiliated with or financed by the Chinese Communist Party have led the charge against fossil fuels and nuclear power. They have done this in the name of converting to so-called “clean” or “green” energy. They say we must abandon gasoline-powered cars, diesel trucks; gas, nuclear, or coal fired electricity; and gas heating and cooking; in order to prevent the global climate from changing. 

While we abandon the gas, oil, and coal that powered the industrial revolution and made America a wealthy, powerful country, Chinese industries consume billions of tons of all of it. They build nuclear power plants, while we decommission ours out of uninformed irrational fear.  

America has 500 years’ worth of coal, enough oil to supply all our domestic needs, and enough natural gas to satisfy domestic demand and supply most of Europe. But we have turned away from it in pursuit of a phantom. 

Unfortunately, as we turn to the illusion of “green” energy, we find that all its components are mined or manufactured in China or by Chinese companies in third-world countries. Nearly every source of the minerals necessary for batteries, solar panels, or windmills, is owned by Chinese interests.  

Joe Biden shut down our domestic fossil fuel production, and is transferring hundreds of billions of dollars in American wealth to China, in the name of so-called clean energy. No mention is made of the gaping scars left on the earth from Chinese strip mining; the child slave labor in artisanal mining; the incalculable Chinese emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and other “greenhouse gasses”; or any of the massive pollutions China unleashes on the earth. 

The war on energy independence is a war on America, and it funds senseless war overseas. Vladimir Putin only has the money to wage war on Ukraine because Biden drove up the cost of oil and gas worldwide by shutting down U.S. production. That doubled the price of Russian oil and gas.  

All the people who changed their social media avatars to Ukrainian flags could better support Ukraine by demanding that Biden and the Democrats stop their war on American fossil fuel and nuclear energy. The war in Ukraine would be over in 60 days if America became energy independent again, as we were under President Trump. All this was driven by Chinese efforts to stop our energy independence. And we do nothing. 


Since the biological attack from Wuhan, America has faced shortages unimaginable in our lifetimes. The most insidious shortages came at the beginning of the lockdown. China withheld gloves, masks, and gowns, as well as pharmaceuticals ranging from aspirin to heart medications. Most Americans were unaware until then how dependent we are on Chinese manufacturing. It is no longer just plastic goods at Walmart, or low-quality steel and tools. It’s everything. 

We now are no longer shocked at seeing empty shelves. And the categories of shortages are growing. Even things produced here in America are affected. Chinese companies have bought many food-processing facilities and are trying to buy farmland and food producers.  

Other processors and distributors of food and medicine are facing mysterious fires and shutdowns. Infant formula and infant medicines such as Tylenol are difficult to find at any price. Two thirds of the world’s supply of acetaminophen is made in China. Is China throttling supply of medical products again, to teach us submission? The electrical grid is being attacked, by people and for reasons that are unclear. The result is a continued erosion of our standard of living and our way of life, in ways we have seen previously only during wartime. And still we do nothing. 

The Biden Family

The Biden family is a Chinese attack on us. China has been grooming Joe Biden, his brother James, and his son Hunter, at least since Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president. The contents of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” confirm that he attended meetings with his father and Chinese government officials while Joe was vice president. After those meetings, Hunter and his partners received a billion-dollar investment from CCP-linked entities and had multimillion-dollar contracts with CEFC and other Chinese companies.  

What has China received in return? For one thing, they have a feckless dotard in the White House who is more interested in telling self-aggrandizing lies than in presiding over a strong, united, and peaceful America. Biden is leading the Democrats as they cut everything that makes America powerful, safe, wealthy, virtuous, and united. He is now “earning” the millions of dollars he and his family have been given over the past decade by Chinese Communist Party entities.  

Biden has appointed officials who push the most radical social agenda in American history. Suddenly, being transgender is a public virtue, sufficient that it is a sole qualification to handle the nation’s most sensitive matters of nuclear waste disposal, or of public health. China does not allow gay relationships or gender transitions, but the CCP-funded Biden tries to require them by law. 

The Biden Administration is using all the weight of federal power to force the transgender ideology on schools. Parents who oppose sexual grooming in schools have been targeted by the Justice Department and the FBI, while child sex trafficking is allowed to flourish. School districts are threatened with loss of federal funding if they don’t consider invented genders to have Title IX protection. This is being pushed on America by an administration headed by a man who has received millions of dollars from China. 

The Biden Administration is undermining even the U.S. military. That is an attack on national security from within. It discourages American families with a generations-long tradition of military service from joining a force that will deprive them of freedom of conscience. We would have no crisis in recruiting if it were clear that the military is a force to defend our nation and our values, rather than a laboratory for social engineering. And yet we do nothing. 

Instead, American officials are distracted by a big balloon, and by disproving the lies in Biden’s State of the Union speech. They sit sucking their thumbs, ignoring China’s attacks. And the media and intelligentsia are just as clueless, or willfully blind. We are in the middle of a war, and they don’t even know they’re under attack. 

The Chinese don’t need the balloon to attack us—they are already here.