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De-Fund the Universities!

De-Fund the Universities!

Academia is the cancer at the heart of our national miseries.

In the news reports about the anti-police mayhem by young people in Austin Texas, one common element is missing: the obvious fact that Austin is a college town, home to one of America’s once-great educational institutions.

This fact is not peripheral to the outbreak of lawlessness that tore apart Austin that night but central. Like virtually every major academic institution in America, the University of Texas, is a bastion of anti-American, anti-police, anti-white hatreds, and has been so since conservatives were purged from its liberal arts faculties beginning in the 1970s, to be replaced by ideologues rather than scholars, whose agendas were and remain not scholarly but political.

Having written five volumes describing the transformation of American universities into institutions hostile to America and its constitutional foundations, it is apparent to me that the source of our current ills – the  lawlessness in our streets, the destruction of our borders, the racist “equity” policies of the Democrat Party, the “woke” derelictions of our military leaders, can all be traced to the indoctrination of our educated classes in hatreds spawned by cultural Marxism. Marxism is a creed that has resulted in more than 100 million deaths in peacetime, and continent-wide suffering on a scaled unprecedented in the annals of human history.

Just as the universities in Germany were the first institutions to join the Nazi cause, so American universities have handed over their curricula, to anti-American enemies of America beginning with Stalinist Russia and extending on to Castro’s Cuba, Communist China, and terrorist Iran. They have even given their institutional support to a Palestinian movement which sided with Hitler during World War II, and which today promises to finish the job that Hitler started by destroying Israel – the only liberal democracy in the Middle East – and making it “Jew-free.”

I am not alone in thinking that curing this cancer in our midst is essential to restoring the constitutional republic that America once was by reviving the principles and values that made it a beacon to the world. The path to achieving this result begins with recognizing that our premier universities have in their liberal arts programs become one-party states ruled by ignorance and bigotry, and thus breeding grounds for civic and racial hatreds and lawlessness. To remedy this state of affairs Americans must press for the de-funding of these institutions, withholding the federal and state monies that help to spread their hatreds until such time as their faculties represent the true intellectual diversity of America, and eliminate one-sided political indoctrination courses from their curricula.