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You Will Eat Bugs, Own Nothing, Fear Everything, and Be Happy

Like me, you’ve likely noticed a disturbing trend from “experts” who are attempting to force people to live a lesser life. I don’t mean live with less in terms of supplies and materials, I mean live lesser lives in terms of the nature of things we live with and consume.

For instance, as RedState reported on Wednesday, European food will now contain crickets. This includes bread, cereal, sauces, beer, and other snacks. The idea is that they’ll ground them up into a powder and stuff them into your everyday foods.

Why? Because apparently, this will help the environment according to the “experts”:

Cricket protein is nutritionally more efficient, high performing and complete. It is a reliable and sustainable source of alternative protein that does not harm the planet.

Before that, they were pushing “impossible meat” which is reportedly plant-based meat that ultimately tastes nothing like meat. Fast food restaurants were doing their best to push their own “impossible” menu items but it was clear this wasn’t selling. You’ll notice that many of them quietly stopped attempting to push it on the people. If it was doing so well and there was a demand for it, they’d have continued pushing “impossible” nonsense.

This lesser life doesn’t stop at food. Your very life must be lesser overall.

It wasn’t that long ago that the nation was caught up in the authoritarian grip of leaders who were happily locking down their citizens for their “safety.” You were to wear a mask, you were to stay six feet apart at all times, you were to stay in your home, you were to close down your business, and you were to stop attending church.

You could, however, still get some liquor from the store in certain places.

You will also own nothing and be happy about it. These aren’t my words, these are the words of the World Economic Forum from 2018, and I’m not paraphrasing to make it seem like I’m being sensational. These are the exact words of the WEF. According to them, you will own nothing, you will rent everything and it will be delivered to you via drone.

Oh, and note the “meat will be a special treat” phrase, and remember the crickets and fake meat push they’re doing now.

Who these things belong to that you can rent from isn’t really discussed, but if you can’t own it, then it can be taken away at any moment or even denied to you upon asking. Own a home? Out of the question. Own a television? You’ll ask permission to rent one for an allotted time and maybe they’ll approve it, if your reasoning for needing one is good enough. Own kitchen utensils? You’ll be lucky if they aren’t made out of paper like your straws.

You’ll even live a lesser life in terms of the knowledge you procure.

As RedState reported on Tuesday, one math professor has declared math is sexist, racist, and homophobic. Hilariously, as my colleague Alex Parker points out, he’s not the only activist educator who’s made that declaration. One instance of this claim is silly, two or three might be a dumb trend among the mega-woke, but Parker counts seven instances of “experts” saying that modern education is prejudiced against everyone but straight white males.

The solution to this problem is to cater education to these demographics by making lessons more about social justice than learning reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Don’t scoff at this idea. They’re now putting crickets in food because cow farts are apparently a threat to the planet.

Will the elitists pushing this life on you have to obey the same rules? You know damn well they won’t. The same people telling you your consumption of beef and driving of your car are killing the planet are busy jetting around on private planes. They think their work is too important to stop living the lifestyle they have. No, this is something you must do. You’re the problem, not them.

We might be far removed from the feudalism of the medieval era but that hasn’t stopped the elites from looking at you as a peasant, good only to fulfill the work that needs doing to keep their kingdom running smoothly. You will eat gruel, work when they tell you, own nothing, and you will kneel before them and wish them long life.

This is the future they want for you, and this is why you should begin practicing ungovernability.